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Originally Posted by weesmurf:

hi baz exhausted...i wake up every time he goes to work at 1am then the torrential rain kept me awake and woke wee one up so she came in with me  then she proceeds to tell me to move over!! that i'm not giving her enough's a king size bed  how's you?

Awww .I know what you mean about them waking you up though ...Inchy gets up several times a night , the first time usually about 2 hours after we go to bed .....makes for broken sleep How is big one ? 

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Baz:

Hi again Mr Moons How was the tennis ?

Hi Bazzybumps

Extremely noisy with all that grunting after every shot

Oooo I like that ....used to really like it when Jimmy Connors did it ....lovely legs

But these where women and it sounds like an orgy



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