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Afternoon Darnies Not a bad night , and the winds have finally died down , so I went for a long walk first thing to make up for the last couple of days . In addition to that Iโ€™ve done some washing ,dusted ,  fed the wildlife โ€ฆtwice โ€ฆ.and  done the duvet shuffle โ€ฆso a nice clean bed ready for Santa . My son is coming up to see me next weekโ€ฆwhich will be lovely . The only hiccough in my day is that the heating started playing up โ€ฆ.it seems ok right now , but time will tell โ€ฆluckily Iโ€™ve got British Gas insurance , but it will be bliddy inconvenient if it breaks down over Xmas ! I hope everyone else is having a good Saturday .


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