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Afternoon Darnies Guess who managed to trip down the last bliddy stair again ….same darn ankle ! It’s very painful , but I’m managing to hobble about ….and the foot is a normal colour and warm , so I don’t think I’ve broken anything ….or moved the previous plate /pin/wires …..I’m hoping it’s a sprain , so I’m icing it …and moving about a little bit. If anything is broken it will just be one of the small bones in the top of the foot ….and I dont think they do anything for those anyway…..but there defo won’t be any walks for a few days , that’s for sure !I hope everyone else is having a better day than me .

@Baz posted:

Afternoon Darnies Guess who managed to trip down the last bliddy stair again ….same darn ankle ! It’s very painful , but I’m managing to hobble about ….and the foot is a normal colour and warm , so I don’t think I’ve broken anything ….or moved the previous plate /pin/wires …..I’m hoping it’s a sprain , so I’m icing it …and moving about a little bit. If anything is broken it will just be one of the small bones in the top of the foot ….and I dont think they do anything for those anyway…..but there defo won’t be any walks for a few days , that’s for sure !I hope everyone else is having a better day than me .

Take care bazzy-seek help if it gets any worse-you must be really careful

Rocking Ros Rose

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