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Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
I'm highly amused you all thought me a cook, I shouldn't have spoiled the illusion lol
I've just had a wrestling match with some cling film- stupid stuff!

I hate that stuff Sweet

Never rips off properly

and it either clings before you get in on whatever you want to wrap .....or doesn't stick !!! 

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
I'm highly amused you all thought me a cook, I shouldn't have spoiled the illusion lol
I've just had a wrestling match with some cling film- stupid stuff!

I hate that stuff Sweet

Never rips off properly

and it either clings before you get in on whatever you want to wrap .....or doesn't stick !!! 

And that too Bazzy

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
I've always gone to sleep listening to music or watching something, I started it because the rest of my family were loud snorers! Now it's just habit

Are you reading on kindle baz or books?

Inchy was a dreadful snorer , until he gave up smoking I read my Kindle, or IBooks on my IPad mini  

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
Here's a question- when you all turn in for the night, do you have TV/radio on? Or nothing at all? I've opted for radio tonight

I have the radio on through the telly and set its timer to go of in 30 minutes Sweet

I tend to listen to  recorded stuff on my Iplayer radio it just switches off once it's over 

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
Here's a question- when you all turn in for the night, do you have TV/radio on? Or nothing at all? I've opted for radio tonight

I have the radio on through the telly and set its timer to go of in 30 minutes Sweet

I tend to listen to  recorded stuff on my Iplayer radio it just switches off once it's over 

I put all the paint stuff away and will resume when the Boss goes to Turkey.
Meanwhile I've done the bins  (we have to file the rubbish for the Local Authority) cleaned anything made of copper and brass, done a wash, hoovered, and am now making a batch of experimental confiture.
The weather is brightening up, so mebbees it will be a drying day.
Garage Joe

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