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Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
Aw lovely, and did you enjoy the meal? I love the maccy d's hot apple pies!

I'm working tomorrow, then I'll be relaxing with a mojito or 2 and nothing planned for Sunday what are you up to?

Who is this?
Do we need to know?

Hi here too Sweet

Hi in here too Moonie  

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
Bramble is super super thanks baz she's very cute right now and has been very playful this week! She's spending tomorrow with BIL, he's very excited

How is inchy? and uncle?

Awwww . Uncle seems to be getting on ok with his carers etc. ...Inchy saw him over Easter .....Inchy is ok ...although has seemed very tired the last couple of days . I will be glad when he has his tests in a couple of weeks . 

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
Aw lovely, and did you enjoy the meal? I love the maccy d's hot apple pies!

I'm working tomorrow, then I'll be relaxing with a mojito or 2 and nothing planned for Sunday what are you up to?

Who is this?
Do we need to know?

Hi here too Sweet

Hi in here too Moonie  

Hi Bazzy

Lol moonie, excellent! We'll
All be doing the same then, which will be easy if the weather stays like this.

Hi Ros yes thank you, it's been good. I bought a new tap/shower head for my bath now I won't have to mess about with the old rubber hose thingee when I need to hose bramble, and can wash my hair in the bath!
How was your day?
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
Lol moonie, excellent! We'll
All be doing the same then, which will be easy if the weather stays like this.

Hi Ros yes thank you, it's been good. I bought a new tap/shower head for my bath now I won't have to mess about with the old rubber hose thingee when I need to hose bramble, and can wash my hair in the bath!
How was your day?

I've just got a shower over the bath too Sweet ...but I love it ....

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
Lol moonie, excellent! We'll
All be doing the same then, which will be easy if the weather stays like this.

Hi Ros yes thank you, it's been good. I bought a new tap/shower head for my bath now I won't have to mess about with the old rubber hose thingee when I need to hose bramble, and can wash my hair in the bath!
How was your day?

yes we have one attached to the bath  tap- we used to have a rubber one - they are handy - yes I use it to wash my hair day good than you - just rainy

Rocking Ros Rose
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
It's been a while baz! Until this week anyway

We have a shower in the en-suite baz, but it's going to be much easier having a shower head in the bath too. I just can't wait to have it fitted now

Are you thinking of any decorating projects later this year? I need to start thinking about painting the kitchen- it's been 5 years!

we need to do the bedroom and lounge but so much needs doing outside this year

Rocking Ros Rose
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
It's been a while baz! Until this week anyway

We have a shower in the en-suite baz, but it's going to be much easier having a shower head in the bath too. I just can't wait to have it fitted now

Are you thinking of any decorating projects later this year? I need to start thinking about painting the kitchen- it's been 5 years!

All ours needs decorating Sweet But with Inchy increasingly infirm , me useless and no cash I can't see it getting done  


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