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Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by scatterby:

  Evening Bazzles - how are you?  How was your Granddaughter, how was your daughter and how was your Grandson?...and obviously how are you?

Hi Scatts  Two were fine , one was a bit grumpy , and I will let you work out which Oh and I'm fine How are you ? How was your day ? Did your mum go to her friends ? 

  I get the picture!


My day was fine thanks - Mum went to her friend's and had a nice day


Did you get some shopping in?

Originally Posted by scatterby:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by scatterby:

  Evening Bazzles - how are you?  How was your Granddaughter, how was your daughter and how was your Grandson?...and obviously how are you?

Hi Scatts  Two were fine , one was a bit grumpy , and I will let you work out which Oh and I'm fine How are you ? How was your day ? Did your mum go to her friends ? 

  I get the picture!


My day was fine thanks - Mum went to her friend's and had a nice day


Did you get some shopping in?

Oh that's good ,.....let's just say our shopping was a little restricted But we did go to look at the rabbits Very expensive though But can I ask a question easy are they to train Scatts ? 

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by scatterby:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by scatterby:

  Evening Bazzles - how are you?  How was your Granddaughter, how was your daughter and how was your Grandson?...and obviously how are you?

Hi Scatts  Two were fine , one was a bit grumpy , and I will let you work out which Oh and I'm fine How are you ? How was your day ? Did your mum go to her friends ? 

  I get the picture!


My day was fine thanks - Mum went to her friend's and had a nice day


Did you get some shopping in?

Oh that's good ,.....let's just say our shopping was a little restricted But we did go to look at the rabbits Very expensive though But can I ask a question easy are they to train Scatts ? 

Well, I've always found it quite easy Baz, I must say.  I can give you tips - they're generally very good!

Originally Posted by scatterby:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by scatterby:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by scatterby:

  Evening Bazzles - how are you?  How was your Granddaughter, how was your daughter and how was your Grandson?...and obviously how are you?

Hi Scatts  Two were fine , one was a bit grumpy , and I will let you work out which Oh and I'm fine How are you ? How was your day ? Did your mum go to her friends ? 

  I get the picture!


My day was fine thanks - Mum went to her friend's and had a nice day


Did you get some shopping in?

Oh that's good ,.....let's just say our shopping was a little restricted But we did go to look at the rabbits Very expensive though But can I ask a question easy are they to train Scatts ? 

Well, I've always found it quite easy Baz, I must say.  I can give you tips - they're generally very good!

Ok ....does it take a long time ? And I know you can buy loads of things and cages for them , but what do you really need as the basics ??

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by scatterby:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by scatterby:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by scatterby:

  Evening Bazzles - how are you?  How was your Granddaughter, how was your daughter and how was your Grandson?...and obviously how are you?

Hi Scatts  Two were fine , one was a bit grumpy , and I will let you work out which Oh and I'm fine How are you ? How was your day ? Did your mum go to her friends ? 

  I get the picture!


My day was fine thanks - Mum went to her friend's and had a nice day


Did you get some shopping in?

Oh that's good ,.....let's just say our shopping was a little restricted But we did go to look at the rabbits Very expensive though But can I ask a question easy are they to train Scatts ? 

Well, I've always found it quite easy Baz, I must say.  I can give you tips - they're generally very good!

Ok ....does it take a long time ? And I know you can buy loads of things and cages for them , but what do you really need as the basics ??

No - it's very quick!


The basics are really - a decent-size hutch, food bowl and water bowl - loads of hay (only a few pellets per day).  That's it really.  As long as they get love and exercise, they're happy

Originally Posted by scatterby:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by scatterby:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by scatterby:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by scatterby:

  Evening Bazzles - how are you?  How was your Granddaughter, how was your daughter and how was your Grandson?...and obviously how are you?

Hi Scatts  Two were fine , one was a bit grumpy , and I will let you work out which Oh and I'm fine How are you ? How was your day ? Did your mum go to her friends ? 

  I get the picture!


My day was fine thanks - Mum went to her friend's and had a nice day


Did you get some shopping in?

Oh that's good ,.....let's just say our shopping was a little restricted But we did go to look at the rabbits Very expensive though But can I ask a question easy are they to train Scatts ? 

Well, I've always found it quite easy Baz, I must say.  I can give you tips - they're generally very good!

Ok ....does it take a long time ? And I know you can buy loads of things and cages for them , but what do you really need as the basics ??

No - it's very quick!


The basics are really - a decent-size hutch, food bowl and water bowl - loads of hay (only a few pellets per day).  That's it really.  As long as they get love and exercise, they're happy

Ok. ,When you say hutch you mean one of those wire cages Penny and Sheldon have ? 

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by scatterby:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by scatterby:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by scatterby:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by scatterby:

  Evening Bazzles - how are you?  How was your Granddaughter, how was your daughter and how was your Grandson?...and obviously how are you?

Hi Scatts  Two were fine , one was a bit grumpy , and I will let you work out which Oh and I'm fine How are you ? How was your day ? Did your mum go to her friends ? 

  I get the picture!


My day was fine thanks - Mum went to her friend's and had a nice day


Did you get some shopping in?

Oh that's good ,.....let's just say our shopping was a little restricted But we did go to look at the rabbits Very expensive though But can I ask a question easy are they to train Scatts ? 

Well, I've always found it quite easy Baz, I must say.  I can give you tips - they're generally very good!

Ok ....does it take a long time ? And I know you can buy loads of things and cages for them , but what do you really need as the basics ??

No - it's very quick!


The basics are really - a decent-size hutch, food bowl and water bowl - loads of hay (only a few pellets per day).  That's it really.  As long as they get love and exercise, they're happy

Ok. ,When you say hutch you mean one of those wire cages Penny and Sheldon have ? 

Yes - something that's easy to clean and easy access is best.  It is best to get two really Baz - they do love to groom each other and cuddle up.  Is this getting more and more expensive by the minute?

Originally Posted by scatterby:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by scatterby:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by scatterby:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by scatterby:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by scatterby:

  Evening Bazzles - how are you?  How was your Granddaughter, how was your daughter and how was your Grandson?...and obviously how are you?

Hi Scatts  Two were fine , one was a bit grumpy , and I will let you work out which Oh and I'm fine How are you ? How was your day ? Did your mum go to her friends ? 

  I get the picture!


My day was fine thanks - Mum went to her friend's and had a nice day


Did you get some shopping in?

Oh that's good ,.....let's just say our shopping was a little restricted But we did go to look at the rabbits Very expensive though But can I ask a question easy are they to train Scatts ? 

Well, I've always found it quite easy Baz, I must say.  I can give you tips - they're generally very good!

Ok ....does it take a long time ? And I know you can buy loads of things and cages for them , but what do you really need as the basics ??

No - it's very quick!


The basics are really - a decent-size hutch, food bowl and water bowl - loads of hay (only a few pellets per day).  That's it really.  As long as they get love and exercise, they're happy

Ok. ,When you say hutch you mean one of those wire cages Penny and Sheldon have ? 

Yes - something that's easy to clean and easy access is best.  It is best to get two really Baz - they do love to groom each other and cuddle up.  Is this getting more and more expensive by the minute?

Let's just say that when Inchy saw that it was about ÂĢ50 for two bunnies he went a little white  

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by scatterby:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by scatterby:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by scatterby:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by scatterby:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by scatterby:

  Evening Bazzles - how are you?  How was your Granddaughter, how was your daughter and how was your Grandson?...and obviously how are you?

Hi Scatts  Two were fine , one was a bit grumpy , and I will let you work out which Oh and I'm fine How are you ? How was your day ? Did your mum go to her friends ? 

  I get the picture!


My day was fine thanks - Mum went to her friend's and had a nice day


Did you get some shopping in?

Oh that's good ,.....let's just say our shopping was a little restricted But we did go to look at the rabbits Very expensive though But can I ask a question easy are they to train Scatts ? 

Well, I've always found it quite easy Baz, I must say.  I can give you tips - they're generally very good!

Ok ....does it take a long time ? And I know you can buy loads of things and cages for them , but what do you really need as the basics ??

No - it's very quick!


The basics are really - a decent-size hutch, food bowl and water bowl - loads of hay (only a few pellets per day).  That's it really.  As long as they get love and exercise, they're happy

Ok. ,When you say hutch you mean one of those wire cages Penny and Sheldon have ? 

Yes - something that's easy to clean and easy access is best.  It is best to get two really Baz - they do love to groom each other and cuddle up.  Is this getting more and more expensive by the minute?

Let's just say that when Inchy saw that it was about ÂĢ50 for two bunnies he went a little white  

  Yes, they're not cheap


Scattletts are fine thanks - were pretty good today considering it rained all day :/

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
OMG baz are you getting bunnies?!
Did you enjoy lunch?

Yes it's been a good day thanks, I had to go shopping after work but it's all done now

I keep thinking about it and looking at them Sweet does Inchy .... Lunch was fine .....if very noisy !! Mac D was packed with kids on holiday  

Originally Posted by Baz:

Yes, it rained all day here too What are you up to tomorrow ? 

Nothing planned - got some jobs to do.  Our friends are coming in the evening.  They were on about going out for a curry as usual, but we had to explain about Cian's strange bedtime rituals and sleeping on the landing, so they are just going to come here for drinks now  How about you?  Are you up to anything?

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
OMG baz are you getting bunnies?!
Did you enjoy lunch?

Yes it's been a good day thanks, I had to go shopping after work but it's all done now

I keep thinking about it and looking at them Sweet does Inchy .... Lunch was fine .....if very noisy !! Mac D was packed with kids on holiday  

Ah yes

Originally Posted by scatterby:
Originally Posted by Baz:

Yes, it rained all day here too What are you up to tomorrow ? 

Nothing planned - got some jobs to do.  Our friends are coming in the evening.  They were on about going out for a curry as usual, but we had to explain about Cian's strange bedtime rituals and sleeping on the landing, so they are just going to come here for drinks now  How about you?  Are you up to anything?

is he still doing that ?  I've got nothing planned ...just housework I think  

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by scatterby:
Originally Posted by Baz:

Yes, it rained all day here too What are you up to tomorrow ? 

Nothing planned - got some jobs to do.  Our friends are coming in the evening.  They were on about going out for a curry as usual, but we had to explain about Cian's strange bedtime rituals and sleeping on the landing, so they are just going to come here for drinks now  How about you?  Are you up to anything?

is he still doing that ?  I've got nothing planned ...just housework I think  

Oh dear!


Yes - he's still doing it

Originally Posted by scatterby:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
Does Cian get into bed first scatt? Or straight on to the landing?

Oh no - he won't get into bed, just stays in his bedroom, then after about 10 minutes, just flops asleep on the landing!

PMSL I wonder why he chose the landing ? Maybe it's his idea of compromise ....not in bed , but near it  

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by scatterby:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
Does Cian get into bed first scatt? Or straight on to the landing?

Oh no - he won't get into bed, just stays in his bedroom, then after about 10 minutes, just flops asleep on the landing!

PMSL I wonder why he chose the landing ? Maybe it's his idea of compromise ....not in bed , but near it  



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