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@barney posted:


are you still all apple'd up with the latest tech

Yep I am ….although didn’t get the latest phone And given the bliddy energy price rises I won’t be getting the next one either ! Mine has just gone up by over £90 a month !

@Baz posted:

How’s work going ?

very busy, thankfully ... very lucky considering what has been going on, but we are busier than ever ... going on a 5 week online course starting next week to learn a new program

@Baz posted:

Yep I am ….although didn’t get the latest phone And given the bliddy energy price rises I won’t be getting the next one either ! Mine has just gone up by over £90 a month !

yes it is scary, we are out of contract and ours has gone up similar to yours ... and that is before putin hit

@barney posted:

very busy, thankfully ... very lucky considering what has been going on, but we are busier than ever ... going on a 5 week online course starting next week to learn a new program

I’m sure you’ll be fine

@barney posted:

i've been leaving the heating off as much as possible, blankets are my new best friend

Tbh I’d rather cut back on food than heating ….luckily I’ve got some savings , but not sure how long they will last !

@Baz posted:

Tbh I’d rather cut back on food than heating ….luckily I’ve got some savings , but not sure how long they will last !

aaah no, i'd go for the heating before the food, layers, blankets and cakes  

@barney posted:

how are scatts, smurfy and ducky, are you still in touch?   are they well?   scattlets, smurflets, ducklet?

Yes , we all chat most weeks ….they are fine ….still as nuts as ever ….Ducky, Ros, Scatts and I were all meeting up a couple of times a year before the bliddy pandemic !

@Baz posted:

Yes , we all chat most weeks ….they are fine ….still as nuts as ever ….Ducky, Ros, Scatts and I were all meeting up a couple of times a year before the bliddy pandemic !

that put a stop to all our fun hopefully you can start it all up again

@Baz posted:

Scatletts , Smurflettes and Ducklet are all fine  …..youngest Smurflette was 18 last week ….

no she wasn't, she is only 10

remember that red cart her dad got her for christmas that year, smurfy was livid

@barney posted:

was thinking about the fun times on here, remember when noty gave us all in login details and it was a proper "spartacus" moment

tates was always good fun too

Yes   We had fun , eh ……I’m still in touch with Granny G too ….although granddad died just after Mr B .  

@Baz posted:

Yes   We had fun , eh ……I’m still in touch with Granny G too ….although granddad died just after Mr B .  

aaah how sad is grannyg doing ok (considering)?   give her my best when you next speak to her please

@barney posted:

aaah how sad is grannyg doing ok (considering)?   give her my best when you next speak to her please

Yes , she’s muddling along ….I last spoke to her around Xmas /new year ….I’ll tell her you were asking about her . Do you remember when we used to lock her in the cellar with the policeman

@Baz posted:

Yes , she’s muddling along ….I last spoke to her around Xmas /new year ….I’ll tell her you were asking about her . Do you remember when we used to lock her in the cellar with the policeman

that's good news, thank you

aah yes, fun times   the days of "real"

@Baz posted:

Someone said Marg was on Twitter ….but I’m not on there ….totally lost touch with Monkey

i thought i saw something from Marg on twitter a while back, yes me too with Monkey :sad: saw Tates on twitter after I lost Jadey she sent me a lovely message

you are right about real, one day i felt sorry for him, the next he wound me right up !!


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