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Afternoon Darnies I got up early this morning cos they forecast rain mid morning , and I wanted to go for a walk, but by the time I got out of the bath it was bliddy raining ! I really, really  needed to get out of the house so I put my raincoat  and boots on , grabbed my brolly , and went anyway . Apart from that , I’ve fed the wildlife â€Ķ.but still no sign of Cyril â€Ķ..done some washing , and  cleaned the bathroom and kitchen . I had some lamb chops for lunch , and that’s me done for the day .I hope everyone else is having a good Thursday , whatever you are up to.


Afternoon Darnies Not a bad night for me , and it’s finally stopped raining , so I went for a walk first thing . Loads of lying water though â€Ķ.in fact at one stage I was actually ankle deep in it â€Ķ.luckily I had my boots on . Aside from that , I fed the wildlife , cleaned kitchen , done a small load of washing , and had some nice poached salmon for lunch .I hope you are all having a nice , relaxing Friday, whatever you are up to .


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