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Afternoon Darnies Well it’s a day of two halves ! On the downside , firstly the Cyrils food delivery came this morning â€Ķ.at 7.10 â€Ķ.then at lunch time I found that the bliddy seal has gone on the main oven ! Luckily , I have a *little man * who will replace the seal for me in the next few days â€Ķ.and I have a small second oven that I can use until then . Plus it’s been lovely here today , sunny , but cold , so I went for a short walk this morning , which blew away the cobwebs a bit .Aside from that , I’ve fed the wildlife , and done the duvet shuffle .Second load of washing on now , and then that’s me done for the day . I hope everyone else is having a good day â€Ķwhatever you are up to .


Afternoon Darnies Not a great night for me â€Ķ.and although I went for a walk this morning it wasn’t  very relaxing because everywhere was very frosty , and I was scared of falling over .I HATE old age ! Apart from that , I did some sweeping up in the garden , cleaned the kitchen and bathroom , did a small load of washing , and fed the wildlife . I’ve not seen Cyril for a couple of days , but he must have been visiting cos all his food keeps disappearing .I hope everyone else is having a nice Thursday , whatever you are up to.

Last edited by Baz

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