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Baz posted:

Afternoon DarniesBeautiful day weather wise ....sunny and crisp....sadly it’s not matched by my mood Hope you’re all having a good day though 

Awwwwww ❤️❤️❤️🤗🤗🤗❤️❤️❤️

weesmurf posted:

hi baz sorry you've had such a bad day

 yesterday just brought it all home again Smurfy ....but tomorrow will hopefully be a bit better What have you been up to ? Did they ring about that job ?

weesmurf posted:

yeah I can imagine yesterday was very emotional and yes hopefully tomorrow little better bit by bit

yes the girl rang and said I could start the training on 11th feb 

Are you going to take it 

weesmurf posted:

thanks i'll need it 

she's ok...says she's excited to see what she got in her maths test tomorrow

Awww bless her And I’m sure you’ll be fine  What are you up to tomorrow ?

weesmurf posted:

good idea...just hibernate for a while 

Yes ....grabbed a taxi today and stocked up with some M&S stuff ....couldn’t face getting bus was all I could do to get out of bed 

Baz posted:
weesmurf posted:

good idea...just hibernate for a while 

Yes ....grabbed a taxi today and stocked up with some M&S stuff ....couldn’t face getting bus was all I could do to get out of bed 

Rocking Ros Rose

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