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weesmurf posted:

hi baz yeah was alright cleaning and cooking...decided not to go to the Spanish class but went to my friend's house instead so we're going to try to do it together  blowing a gale here all day  I see you had a nice busy day 

Well if you felt you weren’t getting on fast enough....Yes , gales here Wednesday and Thursday How is littlest Smurflette ?

weesmurf posted:

would love to beat him but not likely they're near the top and we're near the bottom

aww am sure it will be hard doing the cards this year

Well give it your best  Yes , it won’t be easy , but I want to get all the ones to people we only hear from at Xmas ....and who won’t know about Inchy .....mailed , cos want to try and prevent any cards to both of us arriving 

Last edited by Baz

Good morning Darnies  

Having just been and shopped I can tell you it’s very cold with a biting wind here 

That’s my outside chores done for the day 

 I just noticed it has started to rain 

I’m pleased I decided to go out earlier now 


Bazzy, β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈπŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

Have a great day and if you should need to be out and about wrap up warm   


weesmurf posted:

I just did some Spanish homework and practiced a bit of darts friend gave us a rug she didn't's so nice to walk on carpet for a change

tomorrow giving my friend a lift to the bank tomorrow and I have Spanish lesson in the school...what are you up to?


Awww Keep your tootsies warm then  I think I might go to permitting ...anything to take my mind off things for a while 

weesmurf posted:

hot water bottle is the only thing keeping my tootsies warm at the minute

hopefully you're able to get out for a while give yourself a break

I see the weather is pretty wild in norn iron 

weesmurf posted:

hot water bottle is the only thing keeping my tootsies warm at the minute

hopefully you're able to get out for a while give yourself a break

I see the weather is pretty wild in norn iron 

I have my hot water bottle every night now  Yes , going to be worse tomorrow 


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