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Rocking Ros posted:
Baz posted:

Hi Ros How was your day ?

hi bazzy day ok thnak you

That’s good Don’t forget it’s Family Farm and Million Pound Menu tomorrow ....BBC2 ....from 8 

Baz posted:
Rocking Ros posted:
Baz posted:

Hi Ros How was your day ?

hi bazzy day ok thnak you

That’s good Don’t forget it’s Family Farm and Million Pound Menu tomorrow ....BBC2 ....from 8 

thank you what's family farm bazzy?

Rocking Ros Rose
Rocking Ros posted:
Baz posted:
Rocking Ros posted:
Baz posted:

Hi Ros How was your day ?

hi bazzy day ok thnak you

That’s good Don’t forget it’s Family Farm and Million Pound Menu tomorrow ....BBC2 ....from 8 

thank you what's family farm bazzy?

That documentary that started Tuesday .....three families going to work on hill farm in Nirth Wales 

Baz posted:
Rocking Ros posted:
Baz posted:
Rocking Ros posted:
Baz posted:

Hi Ros How was your day ?

hi bazzy day ok thnak you

That’s good Don’t forget it’s Family Farm and Million Pound Menu tomorrow ....BBC2 ....from 8 

thank you what's family farm bazzy?

That documentary that started Tuesday .....three families going to work on hill farm in Nirth Wales 

thanks bazzy

Rocking Ros Rose

Afternoon Darnies It’s sunny but chilly and windy here too Moonie ....but would rather it like this than the heatwave coming next week  I’ve caught up on some housework today ...not a lot , but enough to assuage my guilt Waiting for the district nurse to arrive .....but scan has been cancelled tomorrow ...scanner problems 

Last edited by Baz
Baz posted:

Afternoon Darnies It’s sunny but chilly and windy here too Moonie ....but would rather it like this than the heatwave coming next week  I’ve caught up on some housework today ...not a lot , but enough to assuage my guilt Waiting for the district nurse to arrive .....but scan has been cancelled tomorrow ...scanner problems 

Hi Bazzy  

I am not looking forward to the heatwave either 


I hope the district nurse’s visit goes well 

 How disappointing and annoying about the scan too 

~Sweet Summer Holidays~ posted:

Evening gang oh heck baz, after building yourself up to it too! I hope you can take the day to catch your breathe instead 

Hi Sweet Yes , but hey ho , these things happen How has your week been ? Lovely news about your mum 

Baz posted:

Hi again Ros How was work ? Watched the farm programme tonight and they were herding  sheep near A55 

aww will watch next week just felt tired tonight -very little sleep and a hard day

Rocking Ros Rose
Rocking Ros posted:
Baz posted:

Hi again Ros How was work ? Watched the farm programme tonight and they were herding  sheep near A55 

aww will watch next week just felt tired tonight -very little sleep and a hard day

That’s ok ...just thought of you when they mentioned the 55

Baz posted:
Rocking Ros posted:
Baz posted:

Hi again Ros How was work ? Watched the farm programme tonight and they were herding  sheep near A55 

aww will watch next week just felt tired tonight -very little sleep and a hard day

That’s ok ...just thought of you when they mentioned the 55

yes driven along that a  few times

Rocking Ros Rose
Rocking Ros posted:
Baz posted:
Rocking Ros posted:
Baz posted:

Hi again Ros How was work ? Watched the farm programme tonight and they were herding  sheep near A55 

aww will watch next week just felt tired tonight -very little sleep and a hard day

That’s ok ...just thought of you when they mentioned the 55

yes driven along that a  few times

Yes ...went round Llanferfecan ( sp) too


Afternoon Darnies Getting quite warm here....can’t say I’m looking forward to next weeks temperaturesHope you are all having a good day . District nurse due again shortly to supervise me expelling the right amount from the clot busting injection syringes ....wish me luck 


Bless her , she just arrived ....and apparently 10 minutes either  way is ok I was panicking for nothing ....anyway , she is coming back tomorrow to watch me do it ....just to reassure me ....honestly , I’m useless at all this  

~Sweet Summer Holidays~ posted:

Evening oh bazzy, how scary! But very well done you did great! 

Hi Sweet Not sure about that ...I expelled a little bit too much ....but I guess it’s just practice least Inchy does his own injecting at the moment How was your day ? 


I don’t suppose anyone does it perfectly at first baz, you were brave for even attempting it. 

How are you both today? 


My day was pleasant thank you, not especially busy customer wise (I think the weather was too good for them to miss) but very productive with other jobs. It’s lovely to be having a quiet night to myself and in bed already  

~Sparkling Summer~
~Sweet Summer Holidays~ posted:

I don’t suppose anyone does it perfectly at first baz, you were brave for even attempting it. 

How are you both today? 


My day was pleasant thank you, not especially busy customer wise (I think the weather was too good for them to miss) but very productive with other jobs. It’s lovely to be having a quiet night to myself and in bed already  

Awwww ...I can imagine 🤣🤣 We are ok thanks ...getting ready for Inchy’s down days ....tomorrow and Sunday ....he gets very fatigued and a bit of an upset tummy ....but should pick up again on Monday’s the same every chemo cycle ...

~Sweet Summer Holidays~ posted:

Have you got everything you need to weather the storm? I hope he can sleep and rest well during the worst of it 

Yes , I stocked up today ....tbh he wasn’t too bad last time fingers crossed 


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