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weesmurf posted:

so there's nothing you might be interested in amongst the hoarding!! 

no plans tomorrow...supposed to be 30 here the next couple days  so am sure i'll go to the pool but if wee one wants to come too then she better cover up or sit in the shade 

No, not a thing  Yes, shade for her ....tell her too much sun causes wrinkles 

weesmurf posted:

she's too young to care about wrinkles at that age they think they're invincible...she wants a tan I 'advised' her to build it up but what do I know 

oh and himself has had a cold since yesterday so you can imagine what that's been like 

you are right about building up a tan smurfs especially if she has fair skin

Rocking Ros Rose
Rocking Ros posted:
weesmurf posted:

she's too young to care about wrinkles at that age they think they're invincible...she wants a tan I 'advised' her to build it up but what do I know 

oh and himself has had a cold since yesterday so you can imagine what that's been like 

you are right about building up a tan smurfs especially if she has fair skin

Baz posted:
Rocking Ros posted:
Baz posted:

Waders Ros.....brb 

 hi bazzyboots

How was your day ? How was choir ?

day fine bazzy hope you are feeling betterchoir shorter tonight - our conductor is with his other  choir in cyprus I think .so we had section rehearsals with our organist who is a singing teacher . it was good-she was concentrating on sound and pronunciation

Rocking Ros Rose

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