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Baz posted:
scatterby posted:

Yes ...Trouble is Iā€™m not sure he will know if I ask him So will probably have to wait until we go in tomorrow 

No and they will never commit until the last minute and the doc has been round on the day will they?

No , last time first thing I knew was when he arrived on the doorstep  We told him not to come home on his own this time ....

  I should think not!!  That's bad isn't it!!

scatterby posted:
Baz posted:
scatterby posted:

Yes ...Trouble is Iā€™m not sure he will know if I ask him So will probably have to wait until we go in tomorrow 

No and they will never commit until the last minute and the doc has been round on the day will they?

No , last time first thing I knew was when he arrived on the doorstep  We told him not to come home on his own this time ....

  I should think not!!  That's bad isn't it!!

Yes ....but donā€™t think he will this time ....think it scared him almost as much as it did me .....but I have to say the emergency services were brilliant straight through to 999 ....and paramedics were there in literally minutes ....and young 999 girl stayed on the line with me until they did 

time ....

  I should think not!!  That's bad isn't it!!

Yes ....but donā€™t think he will this time ....think it scared him almost as much as it did me .....but I have to say the emergency services were brilliant straight through to 999 ....and paramedics were there in literally minutes ....and young 999 girl stayed on the line with me until they did 

Oh they are brilliant aren't they - at least you had that at such a stressful time

Ducky posted:
scatterby posted:
Ducky posted:

Just popping in to give some feathery huggles to Bazzy  

Evening Bazzy 'n Scatts  

Hi Ducky - how are you?

Ridiculously over worked!  But apart from that....fandabbydozy  


How's the new job?  



It hasn't started yet

Aww, sorry to hear that!!  How long until Christmas holidays?

scatterby posted:
time ....

  I should think not!!  That's bad isn't it!!

Yes ....but donā€™t think he will this time ....think it scared him almost as much as it did me .....but I have to say the emergency services were brilliant straight through to 999 ....and paramedics were there in literally minutes ....and young 999 girl stayed on the line with me until they did 

Oh they are brilliant aren't they - at least you had that at such a stressful time

Yes , they were fantastic .....and daughter was at boyfriends so got here quite quickly too 

Baz posted:
scatterby posted:
time ....

  I should think not!!  That's bad isn't it!!

Yes ....but donā€™t think he will this time ....think it scared him almost as much as it did me .....but I have to say the emergency services were brilliant straight through to 999 ....and paramedics were there in literally minutes ....and young 999 girl stayed on the line with me until they did 

Oh they are brilliant aren't they - at least you had that at such a stressful time

Yes , they were fantastic .....and daughter was at boyfriends so got here quite quickly too 

Oh that's good xx

Ducky posted:
scatterby posted:

It hasn't started yet

Aww, sorry to hear that!!  How long until Christmas holidays?

Oh Christ, they like to take their time don't they! Do you have a start date? 


Christmas is 5 and a bit school weeks away. I'm sure it will fly by. 


Start date is 12th Feb!!!  The only sooner ones were residential ones up North, but obviously that wasn't practical with the children, so I've got to wait


Ducky posted:
Baz posted:
Ducky posted:

Night Scatters And take your choccy with you! I got through 7 whole days of PMT without it....I am a mega chocolate resistant monster 

Why !

Aren't I good?!  think I deserve a medal! 


You deserve your head looked at !I felt spaced out with adrenaline last night was sat up in bed at 4 oā€™clock this morning eating a sugar sandwich 

Ducky posted:

I'm going to have to go and carry on marking.  


I reeeeally hope Inchy gets home tomorrow - home AND well - not just home. And you make sure you eat lots of chocolate and let us know as soon as you know anything  


Nighty night Bazzy  

Ok ....thanks Ducky ....Iā€™m not going to be late either ....night night ...sleep well and donā€™t work too hard 


Quick afternoon Darnies Not long back from hospital ...Inchy not great Iā€™m afraid ....looks like itā€™s pneumonia ...they are putting him on an intravenous drip ....and he wonā€™t be home for several days  I know heā€™s in the best place, but Iā€™m really , really missing him....Iā€™ve no one to nag  Anyway , Iā€™ll be back this evening and I hope youā€™re all having a good day 

Baz posted:

Quick afternoon Darnies Not long back from hospital ...Inchy not great Iā€™m afraid ....looks like itā€™s pneumonia ...they are putting him on an intravenous drip ....and he wonā€™t be home for several days  I know heā€™s in the best place, but Iā€™m really , really missing him....Iā€™ve no one to nag  Anyway , Iā€™ll be back this evening and I hope youā€™re all having a good day 

Hi Bazzy and Darnies  

Sorry to hear about Mr B

I hope he will be better very soon. As you say, he is in the best place  


Wot, you moan? 



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