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Ducky posted:

Sorry for the delay in replying....I went off on a long government/ofsted rant, but decided to just delete it. Suffice to say, the whole system is a bloody mess! 


I'm genuinely thinking of giving it all up and doing something else. I wonder if Amazon have any jobs going  

Awww That's ok ...I'm in three threads again 

weesmurf posted:

I have never ever been so stressed in my entire life  and I have been through some horrible times up to now 

signed contract on Monday completion is Friday so we are leaving tomorrow staying in a hotel and flying out Friday morning  I've barely slept with so much to do...spent all day today trying to get rid of our one wants free stuff  eventually got a lovely couple who are taking everything!! even our rubbish

 congratulations smurfs-wow !!smurfs just wow !!-so pleased for you

Rocking Ros Rose
Moonie posted:

Good afternoon Bazzy and Darnies  

Really great news about your GD's exam results  


Sorry you are still suffering with the paint fumes

About time it was done 


Lovely day here, sunny and warm but not to hot 

Have a great evening everyone

Hi Moonie Hope you've had a good day . Painting will be finished tomorrow ....just front lounge bay window to do's taken a while, but he's done a really good job and done some major repairs, so..... Then we have three days off before the driveway and patio guys start 


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