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~Sweet Summer~ posted:

I'm very pleased to hear it are there any birthday plans yet??  


i was supposed to do nothing but now I'm taking the car to the garage, just a little exhaust repair (hopefully)

No, no plans son and his family will be away on their holidays ....and my daughter will probably be working ....but my friend and I are having a spa day a few days later  Hope the exhaust isn't too dear 

Rocking Ros posted:
Baz posted:
~Sweet Summer~ posted:

It's been ok thanks, trying to get some rest while I had the chance but had to get my car looked at too. It's a little exhaust issue but not a big problem  


are you both watching bb? 

That's good It's not on until 10.30 tonight Sweet 

I know bliddy late

Yes, but it noms , isn't it ?


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