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Baz posted:

Afternoon Darnies  Fed up of this flipping heat !!! Went to the retail park and got some new lampshades for bedside lamps and some and bedding  clothes from Matalan ....I was melting by the time I got back to the car Roll on autumn !! And I agree Moonie....warm is nice, but this is too much 

Hi Darnies and Bazzy  

Its a little little cooler here now but not a lot  

Lets be thankful for small mercies, I guess 


I just saw on the BBC weather forecast that temperatures in the Midlands are only going to dip to 24 degrees tonight 

As I said above, it doesn't feel that hot right now or am I getting used to it? 


I shall see you later  

Moonie posted:
Baz posted:

Afternoon Darnies  Fed up of this flipping heat !!! Went to the retail park and got some new lampshades for bedside lamps and some and bedding  clothes from Matalan ....I was melting by the time I got back to the car Roll on autumn !! And I agree Moonie....warm is nice, but this is too much 

Hi Darnies and Bazzy  

Its a little little cooler here now but not a lot  

Lets be thankful for small mercies, I guess 


I just saw on the BBC weather forecast that temperatures in the Midlands are only going to dip to 24 degrees tonight 

As I said above, it doesn't feel that hot right now or am I getting used to it? 


I shall see you later  

Yes , cooler here this evening  too Moonie ....thankfully 

scatterby posted:
Baz posted:
scatterby posted:

Evening Bazzy and moons - yes moons - I saw that forecast too  It's awful at night...

Evening Scatts How was your weekend ? 

VERY!  Yours?

It's too hot for me

It's far too hot for me too ....I want some How are Scatletts ? All set for tomorrow ? Did the postman come ? 

Baz posted:
scatterby posted:
Baz posted:
scatterby posted:

Evening Bazzy and moons - yes moons - I saw that forecast too  It's awful at night...

Evening Scatts How was your weekend ? 

VERY!  Yours?

It's too hot for me

It's far too hot for me too ....I want some How are Scatletts ? All set for tomorrow ? Did the postman come ? 

Yes, me too  I just saw the spoilers - hopefully might add a bit of 'something'!!  I am very surprised that Chanelle wasn't removed as well tbh.

Yes, thank you Baz - arrived this morning 

I'm ready as I'll ever be

What are you up to tomorrow?

scatterby posted:
Baz posted:
scatterby posted:
Baz posted:
scatterby posted:

Evening Bazzy and moons - yes moons - I saw that forecast too  It's awful at night...

Evening Scatts How was your weekend ? 

VERY!  Yours?

It's too hot for me

It's far too hot for me too ....I want some How are Scatletts ? All set for tomorrow ? Did the postman come ? 

Yes, me too  I just saw the spoilers - hopefully might add a bit of 'something'!!  I am very surprised that Chanelle wasn't removed as well tbh.

Yes, thank you Baz - arrived this morning 

I'm ready as I'll ever be

What are you up to tomorrow?

Awww that's good  Is he having a party ? I've got to go to town , change the bed and pick up yet another  prescription for Inchy .....consultant has put  him on water tablets to help is BP and breathing .....


Yes, me too  I just saw the spoilers - hopefully might add a bit of 'something'!!  I am very surprised that Chanelle wasn't removed as well tbh.

Yes, thank you Baz - arrived this morning 

I'm ready as I'll ever be

What are you up to tomorrow?

Awww that's good  Is he having a party ? I've got to go to town , change the bed and pick up yet another  prescription for Inchy .....consultant has put  him on water tablets to help is BP and breathing .....

Ah right - are they helping?

He's not having a party - he didn't want one. He wants to do something with his two best friends, which I'll arrange soon - I think we'll go to the waterpark in the next village or something, I must get on to it

scatterby posted:

Yes, me too  I just saw the spoilers - hopefully might add a bit of 'something'!!  I am very surprised that Chanelle wasn't removed as well tbh.

Yes, thank you Baz - arrived this morning 

I'm ready as I'll ever be

What are you up to tomorrow?

Awww that's good  Is he having a party ? I've got to go to town , change the bed and pick up yet another  prescription for Inchy .....consultant has put  him on water tablets to help is BP and breathing .....

Ah right - are they helping?

He's not having a party - he didn't want one. He wants to do something with his two best friends, which I'll arrange soon - I think we'll go to the waterpark in the next village or something, I must get on to it

Don't know ,...he's not started them yet  Oh right ....well I'm sure it will be fun , whatever it is  Have you recovered from your run thing ?

scatterby posted:

Don't know ,...he's not started them yet  Oh right ....well I'm sure it will be fun , whatever it is  Have you recovered from your run thing ?

Oh lol  Well, I hope they help!

I have thanks Baz - it was soooo hot


I can imagine  


Daughter says he should take them in the morning ...otherwise he will be up all night 

Baz posted:
scatterby posted:

Don't know ,...he's not started them yet  Oh right ....well I'm sure it will be fun , whatever it is  Have you recovered from your run thing ?

Oh lol  Well, I hope they help!

I have thanks Baz - it was soooo hot


I can imagine  


Daughter says he should take them in the morning ...otherwise he will be up all night 

Oh dear - you don't want that

scatterby posted:
Baz posted:
scatterby posted:

Don't know ,...he's not started them yet  Oh right ....well I'm sure it will be fun , whatever it is  Have you recovered from your run thing ?

Oh lol  Well, I hope they help!

I have thanks Baz - it was soooo hot


I can imagine  


Daughter says he should take them in the morning ...otherwise he will be up all night 

Oh dear - you don't want that


Moonie posted:
Baz posted:
Moonie posted:

Good evening Darnies  

Its cooled down quite a lot here. Still very warm though 

Hi again Moonie Yes , smells a bit like rain too 

Hi again  Bazzy   

The weather forecast says we could have an early thunderstorm, then back to the hot stuff again 

Looking like it's still going to be quite warm here tomorrow ....then getting much cooler ....fingers crossed 

Baz posted:
Moonie posted:
Baz posted:
Moonie posted:

Good evening Darnies  

Its cooled down quite a lot here. Still very warm though 

Hi again Moonie Yes , smells a bit like rain too 

Hi again  Bazzy   

The weather forecast says we could have an early thunderstorm, then back to the hot stuff again 

Looking like it's still going to be quite warm here tomorrow ....then getting much cooler ....fingers crossed 

Let's hope so. This weather is a killer for me 

Moonie posted:
Baz posted:
Moonie posted:
Baz posted:
Moonie posted:

Good evening Darnies  

Its cooled down quite a lot here. Still very warm though 

Hi again Moonie Yes , smells a bit like rain too 

Hi again  Bazzy   

The weather forecast says we could have an early thunderstorm, then back to the hot stuff again 

Looking like it's still going to be quite warm here tomorrow ....then getting much cooler ....fingers crossed 

Let's hope so. This weather is a killer for me 

And for me Moonie ....

~Sweet Summer~ posted:

We're both fine thank you moonie loving the swan updates how's the house?

That's good 

The council inspectors coming sometime during tomorrow to do an inspection and a materials assessment. About time too  


I was up the park earlier this evening. Still 8 not so small babies now. Feeding and looking beautiful  

Moonie posted:
~Sweet Summer~ posted:

We're both fine thank you moonie loving the swan updates how's the house?

That's good 

The council inspectors coming sometime during tomorrow to do an inspection and a materials assessment. About time too  


I was up the park earlier this evening. Still 8 not so small babies now. Feeding and looking beautiful  

Ooooo at least it's finally moving Moonie 


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