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~Sweet Pancakes~ posted:
Baz posted:
~Sweet Pancakes~ posted:
Baz posted:
weesmurf posted:

nope no house news...wee one off all this week back next monday

 Ducky is back tomorrow 

Where's she been.. a very long date??

Hi again Sweet  No , Easter hols 

Let's just pretend otherwise and make up the story ourselves

Ok  How is your cold today ? 

weesmurf posted:

i was so cold earlier i had to go to bed 

yeah big one says she's enjoying being independent...just hope this helps her get a life...she just wishes the contract is for longer cos she'll have to get somewhere else to live from august...told her that's just how life is!!

Glad she's doing well Smurfy, and not still at yours giving you a hard time

~Sparkling Summer~

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