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Moonie posted:
Baz posted:

Afternoon Darnies  Weather is fine here ....but it's a bit of a meh day otherwise  Hope your washing got dry Moonie 

Hi Bazzy  

Good news about the weather 

Bad news about feeling 'meh'  

Third lot of washing out now 

One lot dry, one lot nearly dry and one lot out not long ago. So that lot won't completely but it will be better than not putting it out at all 

Hi Moonie  Glad you got your washing dry 

Baz posted:
Moonie posted:
Baz posted:

Afternoon Darnies  Weather is fine here ....but it's a bit of a meh day otherwise  Hope your washing got dry Moonie 

Hi Bazzy  

Good news about the weather 

Bad news about feeling 'meh'  

Third lot of washing out now 

One lot dry, one lot nearly dry and one lot out not long ago. So that lot won't completely but it will be better than not putting it out at all 

Hi Moonie  Glad you got your washing dry 


Third lot of washing almost dry now 

velvet donkey posted:
Baz posted:
velvet donkey posted:

Hit the Brandy Baz     


I'll see you at nine legless - like masel    


Sounds like a plan Velvet  Butna cream cake will have to do  How are you ? 

No bad Baz    


Get some laced Rum Baba's in the morra. I didnae look back     

 My brandy tot is set for this evening Velvet 

Moonie posted:
Baz posted:
Moonie posted:
Baz posted:

Afternoon Darnies  Weather is fine here ....but it's a bit of a meh day otherwise  Hope your washing got dry Moonie 

Hi Bazzy  

Good news about the weather 

Bad news about feeling 'meh'  

Third lot of washing out now 

One lot dry, one lot nearly dry and one lot out not long ago. So that lot won't completely but it will be better than not putting it out at all 

Hi Moonie  Glad you got your washing dry 


Third lot of washing almost dry now 

velvet donkey posted:
Moonie posted:
Baz posted:
Moonie posted:
Baz posted:

Afternoon Darnies  Weather is fine here ....but it's a bit of a meh day otherwise  Hope your washing got dry Moonie 

Hi Bazzy  

Good news about the weather 

Bad news about feeling 'meh'  

Third lot of washing out now 

One lot dry, one lot nearly dry and one lot out not long ago. So that lot won't completely but it will be better than not putting it out at all 

Hi Moonie  Glad you got your washing dry 


Third lot of washing almost dry now 

I take it it's an industrial roller iron..

What's an iron? 

When I wash stuff it's virtually crease free 

Moonie posted:
velvet donkey posted:
Moonie posted:
Baz posted:
Moonie posted:
Baz posted:

Afternoon Darnies  Weather is fine here ....but it's a bit of a meh day otherwise  Hope your washing got dry Moonie 

Hi Bazzy  

Good news about the weather 

Bad news about feeling 'meh'  

Third lot of washing out now 

One lot dry, one lot nearly dry and one lot out not long ago. So that lot won't completely but it will be better than not putting it out at all 

Hi Moonie  Glad you got your washing dry 


Third lot of washing almost dry now 

I take it it's an industrial roller iron..

What's an iron? 

When I wash stuff it's virtually crease free 

I couldn't not iron 

Baz posted:
Moonie posted:
velvet donkey posted:
Moonie posted:
Baz posted:
Moonie posted:
Baz posted:

Afternoon Darnies  Weather is fine here ....but it's a bit of a meh day otherwise  Hope your washing got dry Moonie 

Hi Bazzy  

Good news about the weather 

Bad news about feeling 'meh'  

Third lot of washing out now 

One lot dry, one lot nearly dry and one lot out not long ago. So that lot won't completely but it will be better than not putting it out at all 

Hi Moonie  Glad you got your washing dry 


Third lot of washing almost dry now 

I take it it's an industrial roller iron..

What's an iron? 

When I wash stuff it's virtually crease free 

I couldn't not iron 

I wear denim most of the time so the odd crease is allowable

As for my underclothes and bedding, only I see them so...  

Towels and the like get creased anyway, so... 

Moonie posted:
Baz posted:
Moonie posted:
velvet donkey posted:
Moonie posted:
Baz posted:
Moonie posted:
Baz posted:

Afternoon Darnies  Weather is fine here ....but it's a bit of a meh day otherwise  Hope your washing got dry Moonie 

Hi Bazzy  

Good news about the weather 

Bad news about feeling 'meh'  

Third lot of washing out now 

One lot dry, one lot nearly dry and one lot out not long ago. So that lot won't completely but it will be better than not putting it out at all 

Hi Moonie  Glad you got your washing dry 


Third lot of washing almost dry now 

I take it it's an industrial roller iron..

What's an iron? 

When I wash stuff it's virtually crease free 

I couldn't not iron 

I wear denim most of the time so the odd crease is allowable

As for my underclothes and bedding, only I see them so...  

Towels and the like get creased anyway, so... 

good logic ....Sprout would agree ....but there is no way I could wear unironed clothes or get in unironed bedding  

Baz posted:
Moonie posted:
Baz posted:
Moonie posted:
velvet donkey posted:
Moonie posted:
Baz posted:
Moonie posted:
Baz posted:

Afternoon Darnies  Weather is fine here ....but it's a bit of a meh day otherwise  Hope your washing got dry Moonie 

Hi Bazzy  

Good news about the weather 

Bad news about feeling 'meh'  

Third lot of washing out now 

One lot dry, one lot nearly dry and one lot out not long ago. So that lot won't completely but it will be better than not putting it out at all 

Hi Moonie  Glad you got your washing dry 


Third lot of washing almost dry now 

I take it it's an industrial roller iron..

What's an iron? 

When I wash stuff it's virtually crease free 

I couldn't not iron 

I wear denim most of the time so the odd crease is allowable

As for my underclothes and bedding, only I see them so...  

Towels and the like get creased anyway, so... 

good logic ....Sprout would agree ....but there is no way I could wear unironed clothes or get in unironed bedding  

Me and Sprouty, kindred spirits  

That's fair enough 

Baz posted:
Roger the Alien posted:

Thank you El Loro, Velvet, Baz and Yogi. Smooches to you all 

I wasn't having a great time in RL and decided to sling me hook for a while Things are going better thankfully. Missed you xx

Glad to hear it  Yogi and I missed you in the Mutiny thread ....are you watching 

Thanks for the kind thoughts Yogi and El Loro, and yes Baz, just bits of it . The manchild stuff + moaning made me switch over.

Its the kind of show I can't watch alone... definitely need your moral support 

Roger the Alien
velvet donkey posted:
Roger the Alien posted:

Thank you El Loro, Velvet, Baz and Yogi. Smooches to you all 

I wasn't having a great time in RL and decided to sling me hook for a while Things are going better thankfully. Missed you xx

The band is back on the road Rog      


We're touring the Far East.

*looks passport out* 

Roger the Alien posted:
Baz posted:
Roger the Alien posted:

Thank you El Loro, Velvet, Baz and Yogi. Smooches to you all 

I wasn't having a great time in RL and decided to sling me hook for a while Things are going better thankfully. Missed you xx

Glad to hear it  Yogi and I missed you in the Mutiny thread ....are you watching 

Thanks for the kind thoughts Yogi and El Loro, and yes Baz, just bits of it . The manchild stuff + moaning made me switch over.

Its the kind of show I can't watch alone... definitely need your moral support 

We will hold your hand  TTFN again 

Moonie posted:
Roger the Alien posted:

Hi Baz  and Moonie 

Been away for a while .... hope you've both been well ?



Where you been hiding? 

Hope you're okay 

 Nowhere exciting Moonie  

Doing okay thanks, yourself? Hope you've had better health xx 

Glad it made your day Yogi- what a lovely thing to say  

Will be back later xx

Roger the Alien
Roger the Alien posted:
Moonie posted:
Roger the Alien posted:

Hi Baz  and Moonie 

Been away for a while .... hope you've both been well ?



Where you been hiding? 

Hope you're okay 

 Nowhere exciting Moonie  

Doing okay thanks, yourself? Hope you've had better health xx 

Glad it made your day Yogi- what a lovely thing to say  

Will be back later xx

Awwwww, well your back now. That's all that matters 

I'm doing okay now fankoo Rog  xxx

velvet donkey posted:
Moonie posted:
velvet donkey posted:
Roger the Alien posted:

Thank you El Loro, Velvet, Baz and Yogi. Smooches to you all 

I wasn't having a great time in RL and decided to sling me hook for a while Things are going better thankfully. Missed you xx

The band is back on the road Rog      


We're touring the Far East.

*looks passport out* 

The bad news is we're supporting Little Mix.


Moonie posted:
velvet donkey posted:
Moonie posted:
velvet donkey posted:
Roger the Alien posted:

Thank you El Loro, Velvet, Baz and Yogi. Smooches to you all 

I wasn't having a great time in RL and decided to sling me hook for a while Things are going better thankfully. Missed you xx

The band is back on the road Rog      


We're touring the Far East.

*looks passport out* 

The bad news is we're supporting Little Mix.



Moonie posted:
Roger the Alien posted:
Moonie posted:
Roger the Alien posted:

Hi Baz  and Moonie 

Been away for a while .... hope you've both been well ?



Where you been hiding? 

Hope you're okay 

 Nowhere exciting Moonie  

Doing okay thanks, yourself? Hope you've had better health xx 

Glad it made your day Yogi- what a lovely thing to say  

Will be back later xx

Awwwww, well your back now. That's all that matters 

I'm doing okay now fankoo Rog  xxx

Glad to hear that Moonie  

Roger the Alien
velvet donkey posted:
Moonie posted:
velvet donkey posted:
Roger the Alien posted:

Thank you El Loro, Velvet, Baz and Yogi. Smooches to you all 

I wasn't having a great time in RL and decided to sling me hook for a while Things are going better thankfully. Missed you xx

The band is back on the road Rog      


We're touring the Far East.

*looks passport out* 

The bad news is we're supporting Little Mix.


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