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weesmurf posted:

hi baz like i've never heard that before 

i am were bonkers today but at least am off tomorrow

well he's definitely dying...he was gonna go into work today but i advised him not one wants him coughing down the phone and spreading germs around the office!!

Awww  trouble is I can only see one thread at a time cos I'm on the IPad I have to keep checking back to see if anyone has arrived Awww bless him ....but no , he's best staying in the wam ....don't want him to get chest infection  Oh well at least you can play nurse tomorrow 


no worries...don't expect you to reply immediately

yeah playing nurse...housework....more flipping shopping!!!

big one is in her granny's doing 'college work' while granny is away in hiding 

wee one has got the part of macbeth in some drama class she's doing so she's been quoting shakespeare at me!! i remember it well from school 

weesmurf posted:

no worries...don't expect you to reply immediately

yeah playing nurse...housework....more flipping shopping!!!

big one is in her granny's doing 'college work' while granny is away in hiding 

wee one has got the part of macbeth in some drama class she's doing so she's been quoting shakespeare at me!! i remember it well from school 

 Awww   How are things * ex* wise ? 


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