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~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:
Bossa Nova Baz posted:
weesmurf posted:

wee one is just so good...she said all she wanted for christmas was a pair of trainers cos the ones she has are himself took her to get a pair tonight told her she doesn't have to wait to christmas  she never asks for anything...she got a lovely pair of skechers wouldn't mind them myself so comfortable and they fit me!!

Awwww If they are size 4 I'll borrow them too  

Too small for me  

she deserves them Smurfy, and it sounds like she'll appreciate them too 

too small for me as well but she is such a lovely unspoilt girl- a real credit to you smurfs

Rocking Ros Rose
Last edited by Rocking Ros Rose
Ducky posted:

Night Smurfs  


Speaking of sitting - Duds and I went shopping for a sofa this evening. We (or at least I) found one I liked, but it was too late by then to actually buy it cos the shop was closing.  Now it's probably gonna have to wait until Thursday. I may still be sofa-less at Christmas at this rate.  

Awww What sort? 

Bossa Nova Baz posted:
Ducky posted:
Bossa Nova Baz posted:

Awww What sort? 

A comfy sort Not a corner one this time. Duds kept dragging me to anything in leather with a reclining feature, but I won't be having any of that malarky.  

He'd like ours then My daughter hates it ...says it's cold to sit on  

That's what I worry about! They look lovely, but I would probably sit there with a blanket wrapped around me  

Ducky posted:
Bossa Nova Baz posted:
Ducky posted:
Bossa Nova Baz posted:

Awww What sort? 

A comfy sort Not a corner one this time. Duds kept dragging me to anything in leather with a reclining feature, but I won't be having any of that malarky.  

He'd like ours then My daughter hates it ...says it's cold to sit on  

That's what I worry about! They look lovely, but I would probably sit there with a blanket wrapped around me  

Lol....I actually find them quite warm should know , you sat on it By way , Scatts says she is coming back next week fingers crossed  

Last edited by Baz

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