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Bossa Nova Baz posted:
Ducky posted:
Bossa Nova Baz posted:
Ducky posted:

Did someone mention duckegg curtains  

Hi Ducky Yes How was your day ? 

Panic stricken, mainly I had to rush back home at 9:30 to pick up something extremely important that I had left behind.  I then had to wake poor Dudsy up as he had locked the door and left the key in. Oops! 


How about you? How's Inchy  

Whoops Physically he isn't too bad .....they are going to scan his heart just to be on the safe side , because of his history of heavy smoking for the * other* ....  I ordered the curtains I wanted compromise I feel a bit better  

Any sign of him leaving the dog house this side of Christmas? 

~Sparkling Summer~
~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:
Bossa Nova Baz posted:
Ducky posted:
Bossa Nova Baz posted:
Ducky posted:

Did someone mention duckegg curtains  

Hi Ducky Yes How was your day ? 

Panic stricken, mainly I had to rush back home at 9:30 to pick up something extremely important that I had left behind.  I then had to wake poor Dudsy up as he had locked the door and left the key in. Oops! 


How about you? How's Inchy  

Whoops Physically he isn't too bad .....they are going to scan his heart just to be on the safe side , because of his history of heavy smoking for the * other* ....  I ordered the curtains I wanted compromise I feel a bit better  

Any sign of him leaving the dog house this side of Christmas? 

Not at the moment !!   

weesmurf posted:

i bet it is!! i need a button sewn onto my work trousers if you're up for it 

day was alright...quiet for a change in work not many kids some off sick

throat's still a little sore but getting better 

No ta ....  There do seem to be a lot of colds etc going around ....guess it's the time of year Is littlest Smurf still enjoying her new school ? 

weesmurf posted:

yep loads of bugs!!

yeah she is still loving school and doing really well...they have a homework club after school that she goes to and goes to athletics club...always comes straight home and does her homework...we're very proud of her 

Awww Well do I what I used to do console yourself that one out of  two ain't bad  


i prefer afternoons in that if i don't sleep well i can lie on and cos wee one is so good i don't have to get up for her even though i feel guilty not getting up more likely that would have to get up to make sure the lazy one gets out of the house 

no down the street just went under it will sell agent rings regularly asking are we are still happy to sell or if we want to reduce the price...don't think so considering i will only get 50%!! 


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