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Good morning everyone   

Its been wet and windy overnight and still is now 


I am up at this ungodly hour because the council inspector is coming to look at my external kitchen door. It leaks both water and draught. It's an "all day visit" meaning anytime between 8am and 5pm so I could be here for a long day 


Have a lovely day everyone and I hope the sun shines on you at sometime today  

Last edited by Moonie

Hi Bazzy and Darnies  

The council inspector came at 9-50 

I was shocked it was so early 


The outcome...a new door is on order and will be fired when ready 

A result, of a kind 


Better news, washing on the line now the weather has brightened up a little. Flashes of sunshine and howling  gale too. If the rain stays away I could end up with dry washing 


Toodles for now  


Bossa Nova Baz posted:

Afternoon Darnies Hope everyone is having a good Thursday . Glad inspector arrived promptly Moonie and that new door is on its way  

Hi Bazzy  

My day is going fine fankoo, I hope yours is too 


I was shocked when when he arrived that early tbh 

He was here all of three minutes and said "that door is far to gone, you need a new one. I'll order one and it wiill be installed when ready" 


Well, I said that on the 14th September when I reported it  

So that's sorted 


Combined gas and electric bills arrived today. Was shocked. ÂĢ150 for the last quarter 

It's just been paid 


Washing done and dried 


Having a good day so far, tempting fate

Moonie posted:
Bossa Nova Baz posted:

Glad you are having a good day Moonie .....although not  sure if the ÂĢ150 is good or bad  

Well, in the winter quarter, the bill could be double that and bit more 

So not to bad for a summer quarter 

Good We pay ours monthly so......but I think it works out at about ÂĢ1200 per year  

Bossa Nova Baz posted:
Moonie posted:

Good evening Darnies   

I hope you have all had a good day 

Eh up,Mooniekins  Did you have a nice tea ? How long do you think your door will be ?


Nope, just had some cornflakes. Didn't really  fancy anything else tbh 

The door will probably be upwards of two weeks if I know my council  


weesmurf posted:

hi moonie  just housework and now chilling watching telly chatting to yerselves  how was your day?

Hi Smurfy 

Hows you and Family Smurf? 

weesmurf posted:

nah nothing exciting planned...looking forward to relaxing and having a wee drinkiepoo  you anything planned?

Sounds good to me No , nothing planned ....although I am hoping Inchy might get around to mowing lawns and trimming hedge for last time before winter sets in Is littlest totally recovered now ? 

Moonie posted:
Bossa Nova Baz posted:
Moonie posted:

Good evening Darnies   

I hope you have all had a good day 

Eh up,Mooniekins  Did you have a nice tea ? How long do you think your door will be ?


Nope, just had some cornflakes. Didn't really  fancy anything else tbh 

The door will probably be upwards of two weeks if I know my council  


weesmurf posted:

hi moonie  just housework and now chilling watching telly chatting to yerselves  how was your day?

Hi Smurfy 

Hows you and Family Smurf? 

awww Oh well lets hope they get a wriggle on  

Bossa Nova Baz posted:
weesmurf posted:

nah nothing exciting planned...looking forward to relaxing and having a wee drinkiepoo  you anything planned?

Sounds good to me No , nothing planned ....although I am hoping Inchy might get around to mowing lawns and trimming hedge for last time before winter sets in Is littlest totally recovered now ? 

Awww poor Mr B 

Mowing lawns again 

He will be suffering with "lawnmowingitis" soon, poor man...

Moonie posted:
Bossa Nova Baz posted:
weesmurf posted:

nah nothing exciting planned...looking forward to relaxing and having a wee drinkiepoo  you anything planned?

Sounds good to me No , nothing planned ....although I am hoping Inchy might get around to mowing lawns and trimming hedge for last time before winter sets in Is littlest totally recovered now ? 

Awww poor Mr B 

Mowing lawns again 

He will be suffering with "lawnmowingitis" soon, poor man...

Rofl What have you planned for tomorrow Moonie ?

Bossa Nova Baz posted:
Moonie posted:
Bossa Nova Baz posted:
weesmurf posted:

nah nothing exciting planned...looking forward to relaxing and having a wee drinkiepoo  you anything planned?

Sounds good to me No , nothing planned ....although I am hoping Inchy might get around to mowing lawns and trimming hedge for last time before winter sets in Is littlest totally recovered now ? 

Awww poor Mr B 

Mowing lawns again 

He will be suffering with "lawnmowingitis" soon, poor man...

Rofl What have you planned for tomorrow Moonie ?

I dunno tbh, it depends upon if the weather behaves or not 

Do you have nothing planned Bazzy?


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