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Ducky posted:
Bossa Nova Baz posted:

What have you all got planned for the weekend ....vets visits aside  

I'm meeting a friend for a pre-80s weekend planning meeting tomorrow afternoon. Then mostly work for the rest of the time. 


Next weekend I'm off to a 80's weekend at Butlins in Skeg. How I let myself get roped into these things, I do not know. 

Go on , you know you'll love it  

Ducky posted:
~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:

Aw ducky, I really feel for you poor little pops. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow, i hope the vet is kind and reassuring. You've been a wonderful mum to her, she knows you love her too  

Oh no no no no no  


If tomorrow is the day, you all need to promise me that when it's over there will be no lovely things like that said ^^^ We pretend nothing has happened and talk crap as usual. That's an order!   


Thank you Summer But no more of that!  



Evening Darnies. Just popping in to give a Poppy update in case I'm too tired later. 


She's still with us. Whether she really should be is another matter. I'm not really sure I trust vets anymore.  


To cut a very long story short....she is now off insulin for the weekend, and has been given something that reduces toxins in the liver (I think...) She's back at the vet Monday evening to see how she is going. 


When she first came to live with me it was because John (my mum's partner) had given up injecting her and she was so poorly through the resulting high blood sugar. Not eating/vomiting etc. So I hope this vet knows what he's doing! 


I just feel that because her blood sugar was low this morning, that's kinda trumped everything else that is wrong. She's had low blood sugar before and it's never caused the things I've seen over the past few days.


Anyway, at the moment she is sleeping and settled and we shall see what the next few days bring. 


It's been an emotional day...and I now know that if the time ever comes that it's necessary for me to take her to the vet to be put down, I'm gonna make a complete and utter fool of myself, if today's 'trial run' is anything to go by. 


Last edited by Ducky
Ducky posted:

Evening Darnies. Just popping in to give a Poppy update in case I'm too tired later. 


She's still with us. Whether she really should be is another matter. I'm not really sure I trust vets anymore.  


To cut a very long story short....she is now off insulin for the weekend, and has been given something that reduces toxins in the liver (I think...) She's back at the vet Monday evening to see how she is going. 


When she first came to live with me it was because John (my mum's partner) had given up injecting her and she was so poorly through the resulting high blood sugar. Not eating/vomiting etc. So I hope this vet knows what he's doing! 


I just feel that because her blood sugar was low this morning, that's kinda trumped everything else that is wrong. She's had low blood sugar before and it's never caused the things I've seen over the past few days.


Anyway, at the moment she is sleeping and settled and we shall see what the next few days bring. 


It's been an emotional day...and I now know that if the time ever comes that it's necessary for me to take her to the vet to be put down, I'm gonna make a complete and utter fool of myself, if today's 'trial run' is anything to go by. 


Awwwww Hi Ducky Glad it wasn't as bad as you feared ....fingers crossed it will improve things  

Ducky posted:
Bossa Nova Baz posted:

Hi again Ducky It's ok did I How has your day been ...apart from the vet  

Not too bad. I met with my friend for lunch to talk about next weekend, then I've spent the rest of the day either gardening or snoozing.  

Sounds like a good day Are these the friends you are going skiing with ? 

~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:

Evening all I'm relieved to see Pops is still with us, and I hope you're ok ducky  


I'm going to turn in early because I'm sleepy and I've promised some friends children a nice day out tomorrow  


i hope you all enjoyed strictly- I loved it!  

Hi and nite nite Sweet Yes, I loved it too ....sleep well  

Ducky posted:
Bossa Nova Baz posted:
Ducky posted:
Bossa Nova Baz posted:
.I have your dressing gown pic as one of my watch screen savers  

 M  G 

Wait until I get one  of you with a face pack  

I shall retaliate with a swimming cossie pic! 

Now that is just plain mean !!!  Mind you they would have trouble telling me from a beached whale  


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