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weesmurf posted:

nite nite moonie enjoy your weekend

she has to go into hospital next week to get an operation on her pump...not exactly sure what it's for but she was telling me that she doesn't even know if they'll have an ambulance for her...awful to be messed around like that and be powerless about it all!!

Awww that's awful Maybe it's like a pik line ....fir putting the drugs in? 

weesmurf posted:

nite nite moonie enjoy your weekend

she has to go into hospital next week to get an operation on her pump...not exactly sure what it's for but she was telling me that she doesn't even know if they'll have an ambulance for her...awful to be messed around like that and be powerless about it all!!

aww that is so sad

Rocking Ros Rose

no sweetie  she didn't get in touch with me...i phoned her cos her birthday was last week...crying down the phone at job no friends him and her fighting, step mother didn't like her, couldn't speak the language blah blah...same nothingness different country...i said i would get her a flight home if she wanted...that was it...she went straight to her friends house and i haven't seen her she rang me today said she's not getting on with her friend and wants to come back here  i give up i really do!!!!!

weesmurf posted:

no sweetie  she didn't get in touch with me...i phoned her cos her birthday was last week...crying down the phone at job no friends him and her fighting, step mother didn't like her, couldn't speak the language blah blah...same nothingness different country...i said i would get her a flight home if she wanted...that was it...she went straight to her friends house and i haven't seen her she rang me today said she's not getting on with her friend and wants to come back here  i give up i really do!!!!!

My word!!! Has she learned nothing?  

~Sparkling Summer~
~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:

Bazzy, how are you tonight? I hope you've had a good day. It's lovely to be back with bramble, she's been very cuddly since she came home. Scruffy bear needs her fur stripping though, I'll have to make a start soon 

Aww that's good My day has been carp ....but hey ho , tomorrow is another day  


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