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~Sweet Summer~ posted:
Baz posted:
~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Sorry, I'm still here, I've got a creative buzz on the go  


aw Ducky! Poor little pops, well done for rescuing her 

Awww you missed BB's Xmas'd have loved it  

I saw it Baz I loved the music, shame about the morons in there lol 

It's always the morons who ruin Christmas  

~Sweet Summer~ posted:
Baz posted:
~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Sorry, I'm still here, I've got a creative buzz on the go  


aw Ducky! Poor little pops, well done for rescuing her 

Awww you missed BB's Xmas'd have loved it  

I saw it Baz I loved the music, shame about the morons in there lol 

Yes....I was singing along too  

Ducky posted:
~Sweet Summer~ posted:
Baz posted:
~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Sorry, I'm still here, I've got a creative buzz on the go  


aw Ducky! Poor little pops, well done for rescuing her 

Awww you missed BB's Xmas'd have loved it  

I saw it Baz I loved the music, shame about the morons in there lol 

It's always the morons who ruin Christmas  

Well these are Grade A morons Ducky wouldn't believe how grrrrrrrrrrr they are !!!

Baz posted:
Ducky posted:
~Sweet Summer~ posted:
Baz posted:
~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Sorry, I'm still here, I've got a creative buzz on the go  


aw Ducky! Poor little pops, well done for rescuing her 

Awww you missed BB's Xmas'd have loved it  

I saw it Baz I loved the music, shame about the morons in there lol 

It's always the morons who ruin Christmas  

Well these are Grade A morons Ducky wouldn't believe how grrrrrrrrrrr they are !!!

I believe you! I think that is the first time I've ever seen Summer say something negative about someone.....Marnie must be extrememly grrrrrrrr-worthy  

Ducky posted:
Baz posted:
Ducky posted:
~Sweet Summer~ posted:
Baz posted:
~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Sorry, I'm still here, I've got a creative buzz on the go  


aw Ducky! Poor little pops, well done for rescuing her 

Awww you missed BB's Xmas'd have loved it  

I saw it Baz I loved the music, shame about the morons in there lol 

It's always the morons who ruin Christmas  

Well these are Grade A morons Ducky wouldn't believe how grrrrrrrrrrr they are !!!

I believe you! I think that is the first time I've ever seen Summer say something negative about someone.....Marnie must be extrememly grrrrrrrr-worthy  

Yes Although not half as grrrrrrrrrworthy as Bear !! I hate him more than any previous HM ...including Connor and Helen !!!!! 

~Sweet Summer~ posted:

She's a complete trash bag Ducky. It actually offends me that after every single ad break, they have to issue a warning for bad behaviour. And don't even get me started on Bear  

mans to think I'm only averaging twice a week viewing  

Still at least we won't have to suffer any more porn now Sweet ! It's been a totally disgusting series !!

~Sweet Summer~ posted:



Hello Ducky with a capital D!!  

Woo hoo!!! 


Yes, we've both recovered thanks Today was an edition of Pops v Walking in a straight line. She was incapable of doing anything but circling around on her back foot this afternoon.  She's back to "normal" this evening thank goodness! 


How is little Bramble getting on?  

Ducky posted:
~Sweet Summer~ posted:



Hello Ducky with a capital D!!  

Woo hoo!!! 


Yes, we've both recovered thanks Today was an edition of Pops v Walking in a straight line. She was incapable of doing anything but circling around on her back foot this afternoon.  She's back to "normal" this evening thank goodness! 


How is little Bramble getting on?  

Bless her  

Ducky posted:
~Sweet Summer~ posted:



Hello Ducky with a capital D!!  

Woo hoo!!! 


Yes, we've both recovered thanks Today was an edition of Pops v Walking in a straight line. She was incapable of doing anything but circling around on her back foot this afternoon.  She's back to "normal" this evening thank goodness! 


How is little Bramble getting on?  

what was that about? I'm glad she's back to normal tonight 

bramble is in heat, and a foul foul mood she follows me round like a shadow but when I talk to or try to cuddle her, I get filthy looks!!!! we've compromised on an affectionate ear tickle today  

~Sparkling Summer~
~Sweet Summer~ posted:
Ducky posted:
~Sweet Summer~ posted:



Hello Ducky with a capital D!!  

Woo hoo!!! 


Yes, we've both recovered thanks Today was an edition of Pops v Walking in a straight line. She was incapable of doing anything but circling around on her back foot this afternoon.  She's back to "normal" this evening thank goodness! 


How is little Bramble getting on?  

what was that about? I'm glad she's back to normal tonight 

bramble is in heat, and a foul foul mood she follows me round like a shadow but when I talk to or try to cuddle her, I get filthy looks!!!! we've compromised on an affectionate ear tickle today her  

~Sweet Summer~ posted:

what was that about? I'm glad she's back to normal tonight 

bramble is in heat, and a foul foul mood she follows me round like a shadow but when I talk to or try to cuddle her, I get filthy looks!!!! we've compromised on an affectionate ear tickle today  

I think she might have had low blood sugar, cos after I (finally) gave her a spoonful of jam she perked back up again. That's the trouble these days, I used to know if her blood sugar level was playing up, but all the symptoms overlap and nothing is clear cut anymore.  A few months ago I would have know straight she had to get the point of basically falling over before I clicked. 

Ducky posted:
~Sweet Summer~ posted:

what was that about? I'm glad she's back to normal tonight 

bramble is in heat, and a foul foul mood she follows me round like a shadow but when I talk to or try to cuddle her, I get filthy looks!!!! we've compromised on an affectionate ear tickle today  

I think she might have had low blood sugar, cos after I (finally) gave her a spoonful of jam she perked back up again. That's the trouble these days, I used to know if her blood sugar level was playing up, but all the symptoms overlap and nothing is clear cut anymore.  A few months ago I would have know straight she had to get the point of basically falling over before I clicked. 



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