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~Sweet Summer~ posted:

You have to put on weight on a cruise Ducky, it's the rules! amd you've earned a daily nap hows pops? 


Hi ros how was yours?


mines been ok thanks Baz, slight drama tonight- I'm supposed to be driving south tomorrow morning but will now have to go to work, and drive down afterwards

Aww that's a shame this for the wedding ?  

~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Yes, it'll be a tiring weekend but at least I can still go I'll just have a very lazy day off on Wednesday 


how ow was your day Baz? And have you got plans for the weekend?

I'm sure it will be worth it My day was ok thanks ....and , no , nothing planned for the weekend ....although seeing my GD Monday  

~Sweet Summer~ posted:

You have to put on weight on a cruise Ducky, it's the rules! amd you've earned a daily nap hows pops? 




I really tried hard not to! 


Pops is not too bad. She has a check up with the vet in the morning. It's her 6 monthly diabetic check up. I can't help but be annoyed that they insist on it considering her condition. Her diabetes is fine - but her dementia means a trip in the car is a nightmare for her.  


They won't prescribe her insulin without it though, so I don't have much of a choice, and I've already rearranged the appointment twice, so I'd better just get on with it  

Ducky posted:
~Sweet Summer~ posted:

You have to put on weight on a cruise Ducky, it's the rules! amd you've earned a daily nap hows pops? 




I really tried hard not to! 


Pops is not too bad. She has a check up with the vet in the morning. It's her 6 monthly diabetic check up. I can't help but be annoyed that they insist on it considering her condition. Her diabetes is fine - but her dementia means a trip in the car is a nightmare for her.  


They won't prescribe her insulin without it though, so I don't have much of a choice, and I've already rearranged the appointment twice, so I'd better just get on with it  

Awww Can't they come out to her ?

Baz posted:

Yes , I fancy a non flying one to the Caribbean  

That would be my preference too! It's never gonna happen though...I'd never fit it in around school. So if I ever do the Caribbean I shall have to fly. Not that I mind flying - but sailing is much more fun  


I'll meet ya there!  

Last edited by Ducky
Ducky posted:
Baz posted:

Yes , I fancy a non flying one to the Caribbean  

That would be my preference too! It's never gonna happen though...I'd never fit it in around school. So if I ever do the Caribbean I shall have to fly. Not that I mind flying - but sailing is much more fun  


I'll meet ya there!  

Yayyy I was looking at the P& O ones from So'ton .......prices aren't too bad ....if you break it down into price per day  

Baz posted:
Ducky posted:
Baz posted:

Awww Can't they come out to her ?

I've never asked to be honest. I'm always quite shocked when she gets through another 6 months  

Awww Well perhaps you should ask her ( and you ) the trauma of the trip ?

I will. What I should actually ask is - "she's 12 years old, blind, deaf and has dementia - does it really bloody matter if her insulin dose is slightly out" 


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