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Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Baz posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Baz posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


This is it Baz.


It's an old caretaker's house and still has the school attached.

Ooo that's lovely EC ....I love stone houses  

I think so too. I'm not sure it will be everyone's cup of tea, especially the location but it is currently let and has an income of around ÂĢ11,000 per year.


I would like to live in it for a few years then move on, renting it out.



I would also like to see if I could extend the kitchen and bathroom into the courtyard, but don't know if it is or may soon be listed. That bit more space would make it a little more appealing to sell and rent in future. It's great position for the city centre which is a three minute walk from it.



Is the school still in use ??

Yes, small kids. 


I would change the windows from double to tripple, not because I would need to but it adds that little bit more level of noise and cold protection.


I should not get too excited as I've not even been to look at it yet!

Awww a bit of excitement never hurts EC  

Baz posted:
Moonie posted:

Did you know the Queen has a rubber duck with an inflatable crown on its head in here bathroom? 

Ducky, you are of Royal Heritage 

*bows to Ducky the Royal* 

But take note ....there is only ONE Royal around here ....and you're looking at her .

 Does that mean I am bound for a trip to the Tower and the chop? 

*bows and grovels in the best Moonie bowing and grovelling fashion I can muster*


Afternoon Darnies    

The weather is farcical here. Cold, sunshine , rain, sunshine and now looking like more rain 

Good news, shopping and bills done and paid


Shound be a relaxing afternoon now  


Moonie posted:
Baz posted:
Moonie posted:

Did you know the Queen has a rubber duck with an inflatable crown on its head in here bathroom? 

Ducky, you are of Royal Heritage 

*bows to Ducky the Royal* 

But take note ....there is only ONE Royal around here ....and you're looking at her .

 Does that mean I am bound for a trip to the Tower and the chop? 

*bows and grovels in the best Moonie bowing and grovelling fashion I can muster*


Afternoon Darnies    

The weather is farcical here. Cold, sunshine , rain, sunshine and now looking like more rain 

Good news, shopping and bills done and paid


Shound be a relaxing afternoon now  


No , just a week on the  naughty step ....without a cushion ...will suffice !!! Hope you are having a good day Moonie  

Baz posted:
Moonie posted:
Baz posted:
Moonie posted:

Did you know the Queen has a rubber duck with an inflatable crown on its head in here bathroom? 

Ducky, you are of Royal Heritage 

*bows to Ducky the Royal* 

But take note ....there is only ONE Royal around here ....and you're looking at her .

 Does that mean I am bound for a trip to the Tower and the chop? 

*bows and grovels in the best Moonie bowing and grovelling fashion I can muster*


Afternoon Darnies    

The weather is farcical here. Cold, sunshine , rain, sunshine and now looking like more rain 

Good news, shopping and bills done and paid


Shound be a relaxing afternoon now  


No , just a week on the  naughty step ....without a cushion ...will suffice !!! Hope you are having a good day Moonie  

 *switches on secret recently installed under step heating* 

Okay, will settle for that marm 


My day is going well fankoo, I hope yours is too

Moonie posted:
Baz posted:
Moonie posted:
Baz posted:
Moonie posted:

Did you know the Queen has a rubber duck with an inflatable crown on its head in here bathroom? 

Ducky, you are of Royal Heritage 

*bows to Ducky the Royal* 

But take note ....there is only ONE Royal around here ....and you're looking at her .

 Does that mean I am bound for a trip to the Tower and the chop? 

*bows and grovels in the best Moonie bowing and grovelling fashion I can muster*


Afternoon Darnies    

The weather is farcical here. Cold, sunshine , rain, sunshine and now looking like more rain 

Good news, shopping and bills done and paid


Shound be a relaxing afternoon now  


No , just a week on the  naughty step ....without a cushion ...will suffice !!! Hope you are having a good day Moonie  

 *switches on secret recently installed under step heating* 

Okay, will settle for that marm 


My day is going well fankoo, I hope yours is too

In your dreams Moonie !!    

scatterby posted:
Baz posted:

Evening How are you all ?

Okay thanks Baz - how was today?

Hi Scatts If I say I'm sure you will understand We had two buyers today ...and another one coming at weekend .... and we have a car full of books to take to charity shop tomorrow  


Anyway , how are you ? 

Last edited by Baz
Baz posted:
scatterby posted:
Baz posted:

Evening How are you all ?

Okay thanks Baz - how was today?

Hi Scatts If I say I'm sure you will understand We had two buyers today ...and another one coming at weekend .... and we have a car full of books to take to charity shop tomorrow  


Anyway , how are you ? 

Oh dear  I can imagine

I'm fine ta - been for a run tonight and done some jobs! 

Seeing friend tomorrow - are you doing anything else apart from the book moving?

scatterby posted:
Baz posted:
scatterby posted:
Baz posted:

Evening How are you all ?

Okay thanks Baz - how was today?

Hi Scatts If I say I'm sure you will understand We had two buyers today ...and another one coming at weekend .... and we have a car full of books to take to charity shop tomorrow  


Anyway , how are you ? 

Oh dear  I can imagine

I'm fine ta - been for a run tonight and done some jobs! 

Seeing friend tomorrow - are you doing anything else apart from the book moving?

Good ,How are *things* at your end going ? Getting sorted ? 


I have made an executive decision and I am going to get a new IPhone SE tomorrow  



Seeing friend tomorrow - are you doing anything else apart from the book moving?

Good ,How are *things* at your end going ? Getting sorted ? 


I have made an executive decision and I am going to get a new IPhone SE tomorrow  


Very slowly...very, very slowly

Oooo Baz - how exciting - how lovely - yes, you should definitely treat yourself

scatterby posted:

Seeing friend tomorrow - are you doing anything else apart from the book moving?

Good ,How are *things* at your end going ? Getting sorted ? 


I have made an executive decision and I am going to get a new IPhone SE tomorrow  


Very slowly...very, very slowly

Oooo Baz - how exciting - how lovely - yes, you should definitely treat yourself

Awww it takes ages to get everything , doesn't it !! Did you start * that * job yet ? 


Yes , I think I've earned it ! How are Scatletts ? 


Awww it takes ages to get everything , doesn't it !! Did you start * that * job yet ? 


Yes , I think I've earned it ! How are Scatletts ? 

Yes, you most definitely have

No I haven't

Scattletts are fine - Cian seems to have a party every other day at the moment - they seem to do that in Reception don't they - invite the whole bliddy class to every one

scatterby posted:

Awww it takes ages to get everything , doesn't it !! Did you start * that * job yet ? 


Yes , I think I've earned it ! How are Scatletts ? 

Yes, you most definitely have

No I haven't

Scattletts are fine - Cian seems to have a party every other day at the moment - they seem to do that in Reception don't they - invite the whole bliddy class to every one

Awww bless .Yes , they do .Costs you a fortune , eh  

Last edited by Baz

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