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Baz posted:
Ducky posted:

Speaking of stroking things. I took Pops to the vet cos her weird behaviour got weirder and weirder as the week went on. She's now on medication for doggy dementia.  


I'm not sure a sicklier dog has ever existed  

Awwww Will it progress quickly ? 

I don't know? Considering her pacing round the room started only a few months ago, she's progressed very quickly so far. 


The medication is supposed to really help, as long as it works (apparently it works better with some dogs than others), so fingers crossed. She has to take 3 tablets a day plus a human vitamin tablet....and as the only way to get her to take them is to wrap them in ham, I reckon she's gonna be having the time of her life  

Ducky posted:
Baz posted:
Ducky posted:

Speaking of stroking things. I took Pops to the vet cos her weird behaviour got weirder and weirder as the week went on. She's now on medication for doggy dementia.  


I'm not sure a sicklier dog has ever existed  

Awwww Will it progress quickly ? 

I don't know? Considering her pacing round the room started only a few months ago, she's progressed very quickly so far. 


The medication is supposed to really help, as long as it works (apparently it works better with some dogs than others), so fingers crossed. She has to take 3 tablets a day plus a human vitamin tablet....and as the only way to get her to take them is to wrap them in ham, I reckon she's gonna be having the time of her life  

Awwwww ....rofl Every cloud then Is it brought on by her diabetes ? 


When I took to the vets I was pretty sure I knew what it was.....but I became totally convinced after her reaction to being in the car.


It's been a couple of months since she's been in the car, normally she's quite happy, but today she just totally panicked! By the time I got to the end of the street she'd peed and pooed  I had to do a quick U-turn back home to clean up before attempting the trip a second time. 


She did that in the bath last time I bathed her too.....and yesterday she did it cos she got stuck behind the sofa. Poor little girl. Everything is scary for her now We may need to consider getting her a crate at some point, cos if she gets stuck when there's no one there....  

Baz posted:
Ducky posted:
Baz posted:

Awwwww ....rofl Every cloud then Is it brought on by her diabetes ? 

The vet didn't mention it...but it wouldn't surprise me. 


It's an expensive condition! The tablets I was given last 18 days and they were ÂĢ45. 

Are you insured ?

Nope.   Bobs was.... but Pops wasn't when I got her and I never bothered cos she was already diabetic and I thought she was on her last legs at the time I took her in  

Ducky posted:

When I took to the vets I was pretty sure I knew what it was.....but I became totally convinced after her reaction to being in the car.


It's been a couple of months since she's been in the car, normally she's quite happy, but today she just totally panicked! By the time I got to the end of the street she'd peed and pooed  I had to do a quick U-turn back home to clean up before attempting the trip a second time. 


She did that in the bath last time I bathed her too.....and yesterday she did it cos she got stuck behind the sofa. Poor little girl. Everything is scary for her now We may need to consider getting her a crate at some point, cos if she gets stuck when there's no one there....  

Awwww bless her Our old cat got like that too ....and the fact she was practically blind didn't help either  

Baz posted:
Ducky posted:

Anyway, I Inchy and his insulin.....have you got him on a new diet then?  

I'm trying .He had lost a few pounds , but now he's put it on again !  He's got to go for another blood test in a couple of months and then they might try him on yet another pill .....but if that doesn't work .......

Poor Inchy. I'll keep my fingers crossed for him And for your attempts at getting him in line  



Ducky posted:
Baz posted:
Ducky posted:

Anyway, I Inchy and his insulin.....have you got him on a new diet then?  

I'm trying .He had lost a few pounds , but now he's put it on again !  He's got to go for another blood test in a couple of months and then they might try him on yet another pill .....but if that doesn't work .......

Poor Inchy. I'll keep my fingers crossed for him And for your attempts at getting him in line  



I've not managed it in 30+ years I'm not holding out much hope  

Ducky posted:
Baz posted:

Is Duds still liking his job ? 

Yeah he is And he's enjoying spending his money on amazingly beautiful inferior phones and parading them before me even more so. 

Well they are obviously paying him too much .....and teaching him appealing habits I'm going to get an IPhone SE soon .....decided the 6 is just too big for my hand ...

Baz posted:

Afternoon Darnies Hope everyone is having a good Saturday . Quite a mixture here too Moonie ....but hope you are a bit better  

Hi Bazzy and Darnies

We just had a thunderstorm here, well one flash of lightening and a rumble of thunder. Does that count as a storm?

Probably not

I got a sore throat now
But hey, it's a Bank Holibob and that means plenty of extra sport
Hope your day and Bank Hobibob go well Bazzy hug:


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