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~Sweet Summer~ posted:
Baz posted:

Afternoon Darnies Hope everyone is fit and well today . I had a lovely couple of hours with my GD .....and here is your doggie bag * veggie burger, roast pepper and goats cheese open sandwich , chicken romana pasta , 3 fries , coleslaw and chilli chutney .....cola , pear cider and a glass of water * Enjoy Catch you later  

Yummmmmmmm!!!!! Thanks baz it's been far too long since I had a veggie burger, it'll be on my mind now 

Frankie and Benny veggie burgers are nice Sweet ...although my roasted pepper and goats cheese was lovely too  

Baz posted:
Rosgirl posted:
Baz posted:

Hi there Ros Was it any better today ? Dame has gone early ....she fell and injured her thumb today ....I reckon it's broken  

hi bazzyboots and summer aww poor damee day no better -Head is being a twit

Awww I thought it would easier now you have no more inspections  

we have a complex behaviour pupil - we are the 7th school and he expects miracles for us  to cope with him-he is now being put in the sp/lang Resource and he is very bright and doesn't want to be different He wouldn't budge and 6 staff said it's not the right place

Rocking Ros Rose
Rosgirl posted:
Baz posted:
Rosgirl posted:
Baz posted:

Hi there Ros Was it any better today ? Dame has gone early ....she fell and injured her thumb today ....I reckon it's broken  

hi bazzyboots and summer aww poor damee day no better -Head is being a twit

Awww I thought it would easier now you have no more inspections  

we have a complex behaviour pupil - we are the 7th school and he expects miracles for us  to cope with him-he is now being put in the sp/lang Resource and he is very bright and doesn't want to be different He wouldn't budge and 6 staff said it's not the right place

Oh heck  

Rosgirl posted:
Baz posted:
Rosgirl posted:
Baz posted:
Rosgirl posted:
Baz posted:

Have you anything planned for the weekend Ros ? 

not really - think son is coming back for a friend of his GF'S wedding

Oh , that will be nice Locally ?

Flint I think

Oh , not too far then ,

no -so will prob stay here awaiting  the itinerary

I remember it well ,

Baz posted:
Rosgirl posted:
Baz posted:
Rosgirl posted:
Baz posted:
Rosgirl posted:
Baz posted:

Have you anything planned for the weekend Ros ? 

not really - think son is coming back for a friend of his GF'S wedding

Oh , that will be nice Locally ?

Flint I think

Oh , not too far then ,

no -so will prob stay here awaiting  the itinerary

I remember it well ,

Rocking Ros Rose

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