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Baz posted:
Moonie posted:
Baz posted:
Moonie posted:

Hi Bazzy and Scatts  

How are you both?


All is well in my world, right at this second 

Awww that's good Moonie Is It tomorrow you see doc ? 

Saw GP a couple of weeks ago. Specialist next month 

Oh , I'm getting right muddled , aren't I  


If I didn't right it down I wouldn't know either. Got it pinned to a cork board 

Moonie posted:
Baz posted:
Moonie posted:
Baz posted:
Moonie posted:

Hi Bazzy and Scatts  

How are you both?


All is well in my world, right at this second 

Awww that's good Moonie Is It tomorrow you see doc ? 

Saw GP a couple of weeks ago. Specialist next month 

Oh , I'm getting right muddled , aren't I  


If I didn't right it down I wouldn't know either. Got it pinned to a cork board 

I nearly had the right date , but wrong month  

Baz posted:
Moonie posted:
Baz posted:
Moonie posted:
Baz posted:
Moonie posted:

Hi Bazzy and Scatts  

How are you both?


All is well in my world, right at this second 

Awww that's good Moonie Is It tomorrow you see doc ? 

Saw GP a couple of weeks ago. Specialist next month 

Oh , I'm getting right muddled , aren't I  


If I didn't right it down I wouldn't know either. Got it pinned to a cork board 

I nearly had the right date , but wrong month  

Yep, very true  

scatterby posted:
Baz posted:

I voted in the first time , so it will balance out ,

You see I'm inclined that way aswell, but I could be swayed - I really need to educate myself fully on the matter!!  I'm quite into politics, but need to brush up on this area

Yes, I'm quite into it as well ....although this area is very complicated  

Moonie posted:
Baz posted:
Moonie posted:
Baz posted:

I'm watching re-runs of Dangerfield ....any one remember it ?  

Yep I do 

I reckon many of the old programmes were better than today's  

He tend to agree Bazzy 

There are some good ones , like Vera etc. but I love watching the old ones an old comfort blanket  

Baz posted:
scatterby posted:
Baz posted:

I voted in the first time , so it will balance out ,

You see I'm inclined that way aswell, but I could be swayed - I really need to educate myself fully on the matter!!  I'm quite into politics, but need to brush up on this area

Yes, I'm quite into it as well ....although this area is very complicated  

Yes, it's one of those things that you see some arguments and agree totally and then see another set of arguments and agree with them.  I'm not usually like that - I quickly make my mind up and stick to it, but on this, it's different!

Baz posted:
Moonie posted:
Baz posted:
Moonie posted:
Baz posted:

I'm watching re-runs of Dangerfield ....any one remember it ?  

Yep I do 

I reckon many of the old programmes were better than today's  

He tend to agree Bazzy 

There are some good ones , like Vera etc. but I love watching the old ones an old comfort blanket  


Last Vera last night wasn't it? 

scatterby posted:
Baz posted:
scatterby posted:
Baz posted:

I voted in the first time , so it will balance out ,

You see I'm inclined that way aswell, but I could be swayed - I really need to educate myself fully on the matter!!  I'm quite into politics, but need to brush up on this area

Yes, I'm quite into it as well ....although this area is very complicated  

Yes, it's one of those things that you see some arguments and agree totally and then see another set of arguments and agree with them.  I'm not usually like that - I quickly make my mind up and stick to it, but on this, it's different!

That's why I think I will end up going with my gut , and backing Brexit 

Moonie posted:
Baz posted:
Moonie posted:
Baz posted:
Moonie posted:
Baz posted:

I'm watching re-runs of Dangerfield ....any one remember it ?  

Yep I do 

I reckon many of the old programmes were better than today's  

He tend to agree Bazzy 

There are some good ones , like Vera etc. but I love watching the old ones an old comfort blanket  


Last Vera last night wasn't it? 

Yes Grantchester next though  


Yes, it's one of those things that you see some arguments and agree totally and then see another set of arguments and agree with them.  I'm not usually like that - I quickly make my mind up and stick to it, but on this, it's different!

That's why I think I will end up going with my gut , and backing Brexit 

  I will probably end up the same  Still, never let it be said I won't listen to all sides!

scatterby posted:

Yes, it's one of those things that you see some arguments and agree totally and then see another set of arguments and agree with them.  I'm not usually like that - I quickly make my mind up and stick to it, but on this, it's different!

That's why I think I will end up going with my gut , and backing Brexit 

  I will probably end up the same  Still, never let it be said I won't listen to all sides!


Moonie posted:
Baz posted:
Moonie posted:
Baz posted:

What are you up to tomorrow Moonie ? 

Not thought about tomorrow tbh Bazzy 

What about you?

Housework and shopping delivery Seeing my GD Thursday  

Nooooooo, sympathy 

Good Thursday though 

Yes ...and might pop over to the spa to pick up my phone charger on Wednesday ...which will of course entail stopping for a lunchtime sarnie  


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