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~Sweet Summer~ posted:
Ducky posted:
scatterby posted:
Ducky posted:
scatterby posted:

 Oh dear!

We had Ofsted in last week Today was the post-mortem  

How did it go?

Ofsted - not well.  


The post-mortem - quite good fun really  AND... you'll be so proud of me... we went out for lunch and I had a chicken and bacon salad. 




That's the very first salad I have ever eaten! (And actually enjoyed).


So screw Ofsted. I like salad. 

Good lord she's finally lost the plot


~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Good lord she's finally lost the plot


My 'eat healthily for the whole of February' mission is going very well  


Boiled eggs were a step too far though The salad had hard boiled eggs in it and I was very brave and gave it my best shot....but my weird texture phobia kicked in and told me to back the hell off.  

Ducky posted:
~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Good lord she's finally lost the plot


My 'eat healthily for the whole of February' mission is going very well  


Boiled eggs were a step too far though The salad had hard boiled eggs in it and I was very brave and gave it my best shot....but my weird texture phobia kicked in and told me to back the hell off.  

I've got to starve even more after a day bingeing  


i've never had to stop the tablets but i do take the odd week off them  suppose i shouldn't...steroids are great!!

took wee one shopping with me today...she's been entertaining herself while off school decorating buns, trampolining and practising her gymnastics...we're going to look at a new gymnastic place on saturday cos she wants to start up again...the husband is work

weesmurf posted:

i've never had to stop the tablets but i do take the odd week off them  suppose i shouldn't...steroids are great!!

took wee one shopping with me today...she's been entertaining herself while off school decorating buns, trampolining and practising her gymnastics...we're going to look at a new gymnastic place on saturday cos she wants to start up again...the husband is work

Awww TBH I think my friend might have it worse than you ....she has to wear splints on her hands  

weesmurf posted:

a body wax might sting a little  unless she's one of those who likes a bit of pain 

Listen , after that hot stone massage I can take anything !!   I thought they just laid hot stones gently on your back ....but the actually do the massage with them ....found knots I never knew I had !!!  

Last edited by Baz

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