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Baz posted:

It was always thus Scatts , it was always thus Mine used to like it cos thy got to go on the bus  


Duds used to get travel sick on the bus.... not the easiest situation to manage when you don't drive and the bus is your only option.  I used to have to bribe him to get him on the bus, and we would always have to get off a few stops before town, so he could throw up at the side of the road. 


We didn't go to town often.  


If only internet shopping was a thing back then, his poor little life would have been much easier.  


Duds used to get travel sick on the bus.... not the easiest situation to manage when you don't drive and the bus is your only option.  I used to have to bribe him to get him on the bus, and we would always have to get off a few stops before town, so he could throw up at the side of the road. 


We didn't go to town often.  


If only internet shopping was a thing back then, his poor little life would have been much easier.  

Awww, poor Duds - I hope he's got over it

Ducky posted:
Baz posted:

It was always thus Scatts , it was always thus Mine used to like it cos thy got to go on the bus  


Duds used to get travel sick on the bus.... not the easiest situation to manage when you don't drive and the bus is your only option.  I used to have to bribe him to get him on the bus, and we would always have to get off a few stops before town, so he could throw up at the side of the road. 


We didn't go to town often.  


If only internet shopping was a thing back then, his poor little life would have been much easier.  


Ducky posted:
scatterby posted:

Awww, poor Duds - I hope he's got over it

He did eventually, although it took him long enough! 


I suspect he dragged his heels a bit though.... probably because it was a great excuse to sit in the front of a car and make his poor mother sit in the back like a little kid  

Rofl Love him  

scatterby posted:
Ducky posted:
scatterby posted:

 Oh dear!

We had Ofsted in last week Today was the post-mortem  

How did it go?

Ofsted - not well.  


The post-mortem - quite good fun really  AND... you'll be so proud of me... we went out for lunch and I had a chicken and bacon salad. 




That's the very first salad I have ever eaten! (And actually enjoyed).


So screw Ofsted. I like salad. 

Ducky posted:
scatterby posted:
Ducky posted:
scatterby posted:

 Oh dear!

We had Ofsted in last week Today was the post-mortem  

How did it go?

Ofsted - not well.  


The post-mortem - quite good fun really  AND... you'll be so proud of me... we went out for lunch and I had a chicken and bacon salad. 




That's the very first salad I have ever eaten! (And actually enjoyed).


So screw Ofsted. I like salad. 


Ducky posted:
scatterby posted:
Ducky posted:
scatterby posted:

 Oh dear!

We had Ofsted in last week Today was the post-mortem  

How did it go?

Ofsted - not well.  


The post-mortem - quite good fun really  AND... you'll be so proud of me... we went out for lunch and I had a chicken and bacon salad. 




That's the very first salad I have ever eaten! (And actually enjoyed).


So screw Ofsted. I like salad. 

Good lord she's finally lost the plot

~Sparkling Summer~

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