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scatterby posted:
Baz posted:

Hi Scatts How are the invalids today ?

 Caitlin is slightly better - Doc said to just keep giving Calpol!

Mum about the same x

How was your day?

Awww ....they really are getting tight with the antibiotics , aren't they !! And how are you ?  


I'm ok ...been packing for tomorrow ....not that there is much to pack ,


Probably wise , but sometimes ..... 


Not til the afternoon , so no early morning * panic* .....though there will be on Wednesday Are you spinning ? 

Oh that's good about tomorrow - but shame about Wednesday

Yes - Mum gets antibiotics at the drop of a hat with her condition, but they are stricter with 'normal' people!

I am spinning - I may pop to Tesco in the morning....

scatterby posted:

Probably wise , but sometimes ..... 


Not til the afternoon , so no early morning * panic* .....though there will be on Wednesday Are you spinning ? 

Oh that's good about tomorrow - but shame about Wednesday

Yes - Mum gets antibiotics at the drop of a hat with her condition, but they are stricter with 'normal' people!

I am spinning - I may pop to Tesco in the morning....

Yes ! I had major probs getting them for my water infection last year !!! 

Last edited by Baz

wee one having another sleepover in granny's...she's wanting to go swimming tomorrow with her friend...she'll have to sort herself out as i'll be working...she made cookies in her granny's...she said the recipe said 4 cups of sugar and she thought that was too much so she only put in a few teaspoons...they're nice just not too sweet which suits me

weesmurf posted:

wee one having another sleepover in granny's...she's wanting to go swimming tomorrow with her friend...she'll have to sort herself out as i'll be working...she made cookies in her granny's...she said the recipe said 4 cups of sugar and she thought that was too much so she only put in a few teaspoons...they're nice just not too sweet which suits me

  Better than being far too sweet!

weesmurf posted:

wee one having another sleepover in granny's...she's wanting to go swimming tomorrow with her friend...she'll have to sort herself out as i'll be working...she made cookies in her granny's...she said the recipe said 4 cups of sugar and she thought that was too much so she only put in a few teaspoons...they're nice just not too sweet which suits me

Bless her  


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