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Baz posted:
scatterby posted:
Baz posted:

Hi Scatts and Sweet Have you both had a good day ? How was your meal Scatts ? 

Lovely thanks Baz - I ended up going for another one last night too - an impromptu invite from the women I was in the panto with

I thought you were off gallavanting ! How are your mum and the Scatletts ?

Scattletts fine ta - been to a party today and both enjoyed it.  Mum hasn't been too good unfortunately.

How are you?  What are you up to tomorrow?

scatterby posted:
Baz posted:
scatterby posted:
Baz posted:

Hi Scatts and Sweet Have you both had a good day ? How was your meal Scatts ? 

Lovely thanks Baz - I ended up going for another one last night too - an impromptu invite from the women I was in the panto with

I thought you were off gallavanting ! How are your mum and the Scatletts ?

Scattletts fine ta - been to a party today and both enjoyed it.  Mum hasn't been too good unfortunately.

How are you?  What are you up to tomorrow?

Awww sorry your mum isn't great But glad Scatletts had a good time  


I have to spend tomorrow doing housework ...before my mammoth 3 days of tests How about you ? 

scatterby posted:

Awww sorry your mum isn't great But glad Scatletts had a good time  


I have to spend tomorrow doing housework ...before my mammoth 3 days of tests How about you ? 

Ah yes - oh dear  Bet you're looking forward to that! x

I've got to pop and get my prescription, then Mum's and a couple of bits and pieces.

Fun day then What did you think of the eviction ?

scatterby posted:
Baz posted:
scatterby posted:

Fun day then What did you think of the eviction ?

Well - I was surprised

It's vote to save that does it Did you see GC has had a birthday party  today ....and it's not til Tuesday !!!Honestly , you couldn't make it up , could you !!

  That's about right!!

Yes, vote to save always does it!!!

I wonder how they will save her Tuesday !!! Probably put them all up ...and that will make sure she stays !!! 

Baz posted:
scatterby posted:

  That's about right!!

Yes, vote to save always does it!!!

I wonder how they will save her Tuesday !!! Probably put them all up ...and that will make sure she stays !!! 

  Yes - I bet you're right - it's bliddy infuriating!!!!! GRrrrr

Yes...might as well as given her a free pass  

It's always the same lately!!!


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