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Baz posted:
scatterby posted:

Thank Goodness for that

Thought the Tower was getting chilly and heating bills were astronomical !! How was your day ? 

  I'm not surprised!!!

I'm glad you got a couple of hours   Did you make the most of them?  Can't believe it's a week since I saw you!!

My day was okay - popped to town and did some jobs.  Children are okay thanks - Mum has been asleep for most of day and again thought it was morning!!!

What are you up to tomorrow?

scatterby posted:
Baz posted:
scatterby posted:

Thank Goodness for that

Thought the Tower was getting chilly and heating bills were astronomical !! How was your day ? 

  I'm not surprised!!!

I'm glad you got a couple of hours   Did you make the most of them?  Can't believe it's a week since I saw you!!

My day was okay - popped to town and did some jobs.  Children are okay thanks - Mum has been asleep for most of day and again thought it was morning!!!

What are you up to tomorrow?

I know ....hopefully not too long til next time  

Awww you think it's her tablets ....or just slowing down ?  

I have to pop to M &S You ? 

Baz posted:
scatterby posted:
Baz posted:
scatterby posted:

Thank Goodness for that

Thought the Tower was getting chilly and heating bills were astronomical !! How was your day ? 

  I'm not surprised!!!

I'm glad you got a couple of hours   Did you make the most of them?  Can't believe it's a week since I saw you!!

My day was okay - popped to town and did some jobs.  Children are okay thanks - Mum has been asleep for most of day and again thought it was morning!!!

What are you up to tomorrow?

I know ....hopefully not too long til next time  

Awww you think it's her tablets ....or just slowing down ?  

I have to pop to M &S You ? 

  Lovely M&S!

I think it's partly the tablets and partly slowing down I suppose x

I've got nothing planned except housework grrrrr !

scatterby posted:
Baz posted:
scatterby posted:
Baz posted:
scatterby posted:

Thank Goodness for that

Thought the Tower was getting chilly and heating bills were astronomical !! How was your day ? 

  I'm not surprised!!!

I'm glad you got a couple of hours   Did you make the most of them?  Can't believe it's a week since I saw you!!

My day was okay - popped to town and did some jobs.  Children are okay thanks - Mum has been asleep for most of day and again thought it was morning!!!

What are you up to tomorrow?

I know ....hopefully not too long til next time  

Awww you think it's her tablets ....or just slowing down ?  

I have to pop to M &S You ? 

  Lovely M&S!

I think it's partly the tablets and partly slowing down I suppose x

I've got nothing planned except housework grrrrr !

I think Inchy's is a combination too .....

Ducky posted:
Baz posted:
Ducky posted:
Baz posted:

Oh ....THOSE puddings  

You obviously lead a full pudding packed life.  

We don't do things by half you better get practicing  

Oh dear, what a hardship

I'm going out with my sister for her birthday meal tomorrow night. I promise to train hard!  

Good Mind you , don't follow my fainting fit afterwards  

scatterby posted:
Baz posted:
scatterby posted:
Ducky posted:
Baz posted:

Oh ....THOSE puddings  

You obviously lead a full pudding packed life.  

Who do you want out Scatts ? 

I'm not sure - there's so many I want out  How about you?

Any of them apart from Nancy I would love it to be Gemma , but there's not a hope ....I reckon they will fix it to be Angie ....


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