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scatterby posted:
Baz posted:
scatterby posted:
Baz posted:

Hi there Scatts How was your day ? 

Okay thanks Baz - popped into get Mum's hearing aid batteries and it seemed to become quite complicated as she's lost the book  How was yours?

Oh heck Nothing is straight forward , it How are Scatletts ? 

My day was ok ....fairly decent nights sleep ...and new IPad  

Oooo - that's a good day then  Are you liking the ipad?

Yes, and yes , it's fantastic Screen is sooooo much sharper than my old ones ....and size wise it's somewhere in between my old iPad two and my mini .....and much lighter  

What are you up to tomorrow ? 

Baz posted:
scatterby posted:
Baz posted:
scatterby posted:
Baz posted:

Hi there Scatts How was your day ? 

Okay thanks Baz - popped into get Mum's hearing aid batteries and it seemed to become quite complicated as she's lost the book  How was yours?

Oh heck Nothing is straight forward , it How are Scatletts ? 

My day was ok ....fairly decent nights sleep ...and new IPad  

Oooo - that's a good day then  Are you liking the ipad?

Yes, and yes , it's fantastic Screen is sooooo much sharper than my old ones ....and size wise it's somewhere in between my old iPad two and my mini .....and much lighter  

What are you up to tomorrow ? 

Ooo - sounds great Bazzy

I've got friend coming round in the morning - circuits in evening.  How about yourself?

Baz posted:
scatterby posted:
Baz posted:

Hi Scatts How was the circuits ? 

Fine thanks Baz   How has your day been?

And how are all the family ? 

I'm ok ta .....apart from cold !! ,

Oh I know!!!  Very!!

All fine - except Caitlin has a cold and Mum been asleep the majority of the day.  I woke her up at 6pm to ask if she wanted cup of tea and she asked why I was up so early

scatterby posted:
Baz posted:
scatterby posted:
Baz posted:

Hi Scatts How was the circuits ? 

Fine thanks Baz   How has your day been?

And how are all the family ? 

I'm ok ta .....apart from cold !! ,

Oh I know!!!  Very!!

All fine - except Caitlin has a cold and Mum been asleep the majority of the day.  I woke her up at 6pm to ask if she wanted cup of tea and she asked why I was up so early

Awwww bless We really should get her and Inchy together He falls asleep in the chair then suddenly wakes up and says * what did you say * when I've said nothing for a couple of hours  


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