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Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by scatterby:
Originally Posted by Baz:

Evening Scatts Have you had a good day ?

Fine thanks Baz - but I feel quite grumpy today...not sure why, just one of those days  How has your day been?  Any news on the carpet situation?

Awwww PMT ? What was that book you were holding ? How are Scatletts and your mum ? CoulD her friend not come and stay with her so you could go to Rye too ? 


My day was  extremely lazy  

Well that's a good thing - you deserve a lazy day


Scattletts and Mum fine thanks Baz.  No chance about friend coming to stay


It's a friend who's an author (and I've just decided to actually read one of his books


What are you up to tomorrow?

Originally Posted by scatterby:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by scatterby:
Originally Posted by Baz:

Evening Scatts Have you had a good day ?

Fine thanks Baz - but I feel quite grumpy today...not sure why, just one of those days  How has your day been?  Any news on the carpet situation?

Awwww PMT ? What was that book you were holding ? How are Scatletts and your mum ? CoulD her friend not come and stay with her so you could go to Rye too ? 


My day was  extremely lazy  

Well that's a good thing - you deserve a lazy day


Scattletts and Mum fine thanks Baz.  No chance about friend coming to stay


It's a friend who's an author (and I've just decided to actually read one of his books


What are you up to tomorrow?

Oh I see Well isn't there anyone who could * granny sit*  


Shopping delivery ....and then I MIGHT...I emphasise MIGHT...go to town !  

How about you ? 

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by scatterby:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by scatterby:
Originally Posted by Baz:

Evening Scatts Have you had a good day ?

Fine thanks Baz - but I feel quite grumpy today...not sure why, just one of those days  How has your day been?  Any news on the carpet situation?

Awwww PMT ? What was that book you were holding ? How are Scatletts and your mum ? CoulD her friend not come and stay with her so you could go to Rye too ? 


My day was  extremely lazy  

Well that's a good thing - you deserve a lazy day


Scattletts and Mum fine thanks Baz.  No chance about friend coming to stay


It's a friend who's an author (and I've just decided to actually read one of his books


What are you up to tomorrow?

Oh I see Well isn't there anyone who could * granny sit*  


Shopping delivery ....and then I MIGHT...I emphasise MIGHT...go to town !  

How about you ? 

  I bet you do


I've got a few jobs to do, then spinning

Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by scatterby:

  I couldn't even do an angry face then!!!




Well, that's a disappointing start. 


I'm feeling much better thank you A bit hoarse, a lingering tickly cough, but apart from that much much better! 

Glad to hear it x


 Took the wind out of your sails didn't it?!!

Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Baz:
 How was your day ? 


Not bad at all thanks Baz  


It was almost ruined by realising that I was supposed to be at a governors meeting tomorrow night. Till about 10pm But like the child I am, I asked the Head if I could be excused due to the fact it's me buffday, and he obliged.  

Awwwww Glad you got an excused duties though   

Last edited by Baz
Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Baz:
 How was your day ? 


Not bad at all thanks Baz  


It was almost ruined by realising that I was supposed to be at a governors meeting tomorrow night. Till about 10pm But like the child I am, I asked the Head if I could be excused due to the fact it's me buffday, and he obliged.  

I should think so too!!!

Originally Posted by scatterby:
Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Baz:

Awwwww Glad you got an excused duties though : 


I did feel sooooo childish asking I told Duds when I got home and he declared me insanely embarrassing. A bit harsh I thought. 

It did make me cringe a bit I must say


Shush you!  I've been trying to convince myself it was a perfectly reasonable request.  

Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by scatterby:
Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Baz:

Awwwww Glad you got an excused duties though : 


I did feel sooooo childish asking I told Duds when I got home and he declared me insanely embarrassing. A bit harsh I thought. 

It did make me cringe a bit I must say


Shush you!  I've been trying to convince myself it was a perfectly reasonable request.  


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