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Yogi19 postd:
Kaytee posted:
Miss_S posted:

Ohhh there are likes like Instagram on here has moved on 🀣

We're up with the tech, even if we don't know how to use it 

 We’re like the blind leading the blind (am I still allowed to say that or is it non PC?)

🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣 the world has changed so much!

Miss_S posted:
Yogi19 postd:
Kaytee posted:
Miss_S posted:

Ohhh there are likes like Instagram on here has moved on 🀣

We're up with the tech, even if we don't know how to use it 

 We’re like the blind leading the blind (am I still allowed to say that or is it non PC?)

🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣 the world has changed so much!

 Sure has


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