Well done Chico
Now Chico was good
check karen's boobs!
has she had them enhanced
Yes, I'm sure I read somewhere that she'd had a boob job.
check karen's boobs!
has she had them enhanced
she's had most other things done - if she's had them done, she needs to do them justice because that dress is a disaster.
Wow! Nice scores
can't relax with some of this skating stuff.
I'll be fully relaxed when it's Rosemary
Aww that routine put a smile on my face, best so far. Chico is a really good skater, he skates on his own very well. Nice job!
.......didn't quite warrant an 8.5 though Louie
LOL I didn't notice Karen's boobs, what's going on?!
They're like two zeppelins that have gone off at differing tangents
- defo dodgy
Karen's boobs!
Hey, thats my line.
Hi there Video
Happy birthday.
LOL I didn't notice Karen's boobs, what's going on?!
They're like two zeppelins that have gone off at differing tangents
- defo dodgy
Very dodgy
LOL I didn't notice Karen's boobs, what's going on?!
They're like two zeppelins that have gone off at differing tangents
Brilliant description.
Couldn't stand him when it was all that Chico Time cheesefest, but I really have warmed to him during this.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww- I do like Chico - he might be my preferred choice TBH. What a nice guy!
hope rosemary goes this week
Good routine from Chico.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww- I do like Chico - he might be my preferred choice TBH. What a nice guy!
he's actually edging just past Matthew for me sooz
can't relax with some of this skating stuff.
I'll be fully relaxed when it's Rosemary
Poised holding the exit door open is NOT fully relaxed. Supes!