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I think that Steve deserved to go, as he was rubbish and couldnt even be bothered to come to rehearsals.  And Soozy I agree that Jason is a really nasty man.  He isnt funny and clever, he is just nasty.  I detest him.    And I also cant stand emma.  She is a shit dancer, a rubbish singer from an average girlband who got lucky because the music industry just happened to be missing that particular element, and she knows SOD-ALL about bloody ice dancing.

Look who was in the audience

Glad Steve went tonight ,I knew if he was in the skate off he was a gonner.
The lack of respect he showed Chris, Jayne, his partner,and every other person involved was going to come back and bite him.
Lets hope Denise is out next week.
I did laugh when Cousins said no one is safe next week regarding the "Twist".No one is safe any week.

I dont think it was very fair how they put it across how Stephen did not turn up for his practice session and how it had never happened before, his fate was sealed from there on in even if he had danced well he was a gonner, I  cant take anything Emma  says seriously, surely they should have had at least  another ice skating  professional on the panel I am not liking the set up so far ..this thread is the better than the actual program

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