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I've just watched this this morning.... what can I say?       About flipping time!     I thought she gonna do Daniel an injury in that dance off.      Good riddance.         Yes, it was more than a skating competition to her - it was the most glaringly obvious PR campaign I've ever seen and I'm really disappointed that Daniel was involved.   He's gone right down in my estimation.


Vanilla Ice was fantastic!
kerry had to go..............i was pleased sam didn't top the leader board.......i think he's been just a bit too smug and comfortable the past few weeks.......he expected to be on the top of the pile and now he'll have to improve more cos laura,vanilla ice,chloe are all catching up..

to me he looked hacked off when they were criticising him on the'll be interesting to see if he can improve or that's his level and the others are going to overtake him
I'm good, ta, Spongelicious!         Oh.. and another thing about Sam.. they made a big thing about him doing the headbanger - but if you watched, she dropped her arm to the ice every time she dipped (presumably to stop herself hitting it if he misjudged) so she wasn't that confident he wasn't going to smash her skull in.   (not that I blame her mind you )

I'm loving Vanilla - I'd be happy for him to win it.   I like Laura and Chloe too.    I fast forward through airhead Buntons comments though.
completely agree kaffers!!......and ol bunty......what the buggery is she doing there anyway?.......all she does is repeat the same thing every week and throws in a combo of.....'i didn't see your beautiful face tonight' or 'i loved that,you were having so much fun' and to try and look like she's clued up.....'i'd like you to work on your arms a bit more'.........dopey bint!!
Originally Posted by darloboy (Play The Game!):
I really hope Vanilla or Chloe win, Laura is good too but I think she'll pip them to the post. I know Sam's good and I did like him at first now he just bores me..

Johnson is slowly improving but I hope he doesn't make it to the semis or final.
I agree with you Vanilla Chloe or Laura to win
Johnson bores the heck out of me.
Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:
completely agree kaffers!!......and ol bunty......what the buggery is she doing there anyway?.......all she does is repeat the same thing every week and throws in a combo of.....'i didn't see your beautiful face tonight' or 'i loved that,you were having so much fun' and to try and look like she's clued up.....'i'd like you to work on your arms a bit more'.........dopey bint!!
I totally agree with this!

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