So Kerry gets through, and Nadia goes...... *gets ready* grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

I don't like this!
me either liver ... I feel all upset

An Aussie built for winning.........?
Oooh Craig, haven't you watched the cricket lately?
Oooh Craig, haven't you watched the cricket lately?

Laura said it would be a dream to perform the Bolero. I don't see nothing wrong with that tbh it's not as if she's already presuming that she will be there till the final
Sam and Jennifer- Look out for them next week

Sam and Jennifer- Look out for them next week

Oooh Craig, haven't you watched the cricket lately?

Oh well, teachers pet gets through, but she was the best of the 3 I guess.
See you all next week.
See you all next week.

The public get it right....for once!
Steven's still in

Goodnight all.

Yes Baz grrrrrrrrrrr

Night night all - enjoyed the chat if not the end result! 

Why not just pick the right number of celebs in the first place!!!!!
Money, it all comes down to money. The more public votes there are, the more money they make.

Former Member
As usual the thread was better than the show - see you all next week

Hi Yogi, Marguerita, Baz, Cosmo
I hope Laura calms down & puts her arrogance to one side now she has been in the bottom three.
See you next week

I hope Laura calms down & puts her arrogance to one side now she has been in the bottom three.
See you next week
Money, it all comes down to money.
Right as usual Fluffs

Even Mr B just said, *the one the judges liked gets through then*
Anyway, thanks for the fun and I look forward to next Sunday

Goodnight All 

I know some disliked Kerry but on that performance she deserved to take that last spot IMO, Laura was good but yet Steven who was marked the worst got in, he had enough votes fair dos and he also performed worse than Nadia and Angela.
Laura suffered from the not being well known syndrome this week but that will change hopefully.. I can see Chloe going next week
Laura suffered from the not being well known syndrome this week but that will change hopefully.. I can see Chloe going next week

See you next week

REF: Liverbird that big bald guy was crap

"Laura said it would be a dream to perform the Bolero. I don't see nothing wrong with that tbh it's not as if she's already presuming that she will be there till the final"
Darlo, I don't recall any competitors in any previous series daring to mention the Bolero as it shows a little too much confidence in their abilities.
Darlo, I don't recall any competitors in any previous series daring to mention the Bolero as it shows a little too much confidence in their abilities.
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