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I thought out of the 3 left, Jennifer deserved to stay. She looked the most comfortable on the ice and held herself the best in the lifts.

It is only week 1 though, although it seems this year that the judges want them to be setting the world on fire from the outset, which isn't really fair. One thing prancing about in Slough Ice Rink and I would imagine it's a totally different ball game doing the same thing live in front of millions of people, especially when it's ice skating. The judges need to cut them a bit of slack. Not saying they need to stroke their egos, but just be a bit more flexible.

I think the judges and Jason gave Denise Welch a hard time unfairly. She not only skated ok but she put on a performance too and interacted with the audience, a lot of them didn't.

Ah well, roll on next week!
I missed quite a lot of it I had visitors last night watched it on ITV2 in bed and kept dozing off,I would have liked to see Craig stay as I think he would have got better I dont like this set up two going, glad it is the final twelve now, Denise Welsh looked old and frumpy with that ridiculous hairpiece she was wearing so far not liking their costumes very much 
Elen Rivas has claimed that her VT footage may be to blame for her early Dancing On Ice exit.

The model and former WAG was eliminated from the ITV1 reality show last night alongside Australian actor Craig McLachlan.

Speaking on This Morning about her failure to attract the public vote, Rivas suggested that the video of her dispute with mentor Christopher Dean over her choreography may not have gone down well with viewers.

"I didn't want to go. I wanted to stay there," she said. "I had so much fun. It is just the public vote. It is just what happened.

"In my VT, it was me being funny and all the people who know me, they all thought it was funny. If people do not know me, they might not think the same. I didn't mean anything bad, I was just joking a lot of the time.

"I think it showed you that I have a sense of humour, but people may not have got it."

Rivas also revealed that her two children were upset with the judges' harsh verdicts on her debut skate.

"[My daughter] was a bit upset with Jason [Gardiner]," she said. She was like, 'Why do the other ones get more points'."

Nothing to do with the fact she was a sh*t skater.

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