That was good.....
That was a better routine than Sam's IMO.
Colin didn't dare try the 'boob move' on Laura, then
Laura is very good, don't agree with her i'm such a risk taker claims because Suzanne and Clare were not to be matched in that department!
Was that better....or do I just want it to be?
Laura's was better...but what happened to romance?
I liked Sam's Bolero Better.
Let's hope Laura's will be a bit more like Kaffy's chip buttie, with melted lurpak dribbling down her chin
Switches off webcam
I was a bit disappointed in the choreography, but it was nice to watch. she's still my winner.
Well for me it was 100% better than Sam. i've seen better but that was good.
both routines were too fast IMO and lacked sensuality!
Where was the slow eroticism...?
'twas about as erotic as a cuppa tea and two hob-nobs Cosi
And no where near as tasty or satisfying
Let's hope Laura's will be a bit more like Kaffy's chip buttie, with melted lurpak dribbling down her chin
You're an Ad man's dream, Supes
Preferred that one, but there's not a lot in it for me. Neither had the wow factor
Was that better....or do I just want it to be?
Ooooooooooh fluffy I know what you mean.
i do think Lauras edged it though.
Laura's was better...but what happened to romance?
Colin's gay, he could have forced it though.
Have to give it to Laura - she did more work in her routine than Sam.
Brianne did it all for Sam.
I really don't care who wins now.
Laura's was better...but what happened to romance?
Colin's gay, he could have forced it though.
W ell IMO Daniel does great for a gay man. Dancers should have passion - maybe Laura deserved a better partner.
How many ad breaks have there been tonight?

Preferred that one, but there's not a lot in it for me. Neither had the wow factor
See that bloody Mcleans advert just on was more erotic/romantic than either of the Boleros..imho
TBF Laura throughout the night has been just not quite as good as Sam, it should be his title now.
Assuming the Great British public vote purely on skating and no other unimportant reasons.
Have to give it to Laura - she did more work in her routine than Sam.
Brianne did it all for Sam.
I agree......
ITV will be releasing the voting figures soon.
I love the way (just because you all dislike Sam) you all disagree with the judges, who BTW know what they are talking about.
Sam was better tonight.