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Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I watched the 2010 DOI Tour on ITV3 today. Ray, Hayley and (my personal favourite) Chris Fountain were absolutey brilliant.

Was fab I was there Don't fancy this year's though - it's at Wembley instead of the )2 which is harder to get to. One of the ladies at work has been about 4 times but won't go this year!

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

Hello peeps....anyone but Smug Sam to win

That's how I feel too... I can't believe how much I've warmed to Chloe.. I misjudged her.      Laura's a better skater, but I'll not be disappointed if either of the girls win.

I dont agree that Sam is smug, just because he pushes himself hard to do well and is annoyed when he does badly doesn't make him smug.


Lets take the personalities out of this as it doesn't matter, it's about who is the best skater.


I was one of the first on here to say I liked Chloe but when it comes to skating shes not in the other twos class.

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

Hello peeps....anyone but Smug Sam to win

That's how I feel too... I can't believe how much I've warmed to Chloe.. I misjudged her.      Laura's a better skater, but I'll not be disappointed if either of the girls win.

Yeah that's how I feel kaffy


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