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Originally Posted by darloboy (Play The Game!):
I'm only watching the show now to see Chloe, it is trying to be like BB this year with all those twists and yesterdays incident involving Tim Healy was obviously staged!
Do you think so ? Yes it probably was, it was a long way from where he was sitting, funny how he wasnt stopped a good plug that he is in Benidorm , strange thing to say when your man has embarressed you on live TV !
I initially thought it was staged but Jason has been sniping about Tim all day on twitter and Denise said on Loose Women that she and Jason are no longer friends.

I now think Tim's outburst was genuine, though. I don't blame him. But am fed up of Denise plugging her husband's appearance as a transvestite on Benidorm at any given opportunity. I do like her but she needs to quit plugging that bleedin show!

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