Former Member
See you next week everyone

I've always thought Sylvain makes Jennifer look better than she actually is. I will miss him....but I'm glad Vanilla's still in the competition. Argh horrible skate-off tonight.
*throws naughty step all around the thread... and screams til I'm sick*
Violet Elizabeth, go to your bed NOW.

Well I really like Vanilla Ice.... he's a great showman.... and a nice guy... but still think Jenifer is the better skater... Oh well.....

Goodnight in here 

Baz you'll have to watch This Morning and Daybreak tomorrow 

Goodnight all.

Night all

Night Everybody

Violet Elizabeth, go to your bed NOW

Nite nite all

Night all. 

Former Member
Gutted at the bottom two ,that soldier guy is crap as is Kerry and comedy Dave.
Glad Rob survived ,I think he is fab,the fall has definately dented his confidence.
Glad Rob survived ,I think he is fab,the fall has definately dented his confidence.
Former Member

Justin Gardiner is a poisonous odious little tosser.
Justin Gardiner is a poisonous odious little tosser
Totally agree. I thought she was going to smack him

Has anyone complained about Jason to Ofcom or to ITV? I am not in the PC brigade, but Jason makes me feel uncomfortable with his venomous remarks, and it is beginning to ruin my enjoyment of the show.
Former Member
Jason is rude, and it's no longer a secret that they hate each other,but I do wonder why Karen has to be on the television.
She adds nothing imo.
She adds nothing imo.
Karen didn't get on with Nicky Slater either so maybe she isn't as innocent as we are being led to believe
. Robin has actually agreed with Jason a few times so why doesn't she criticise him about that or if she has disagreed with something Robin says..
That said Jason is a rude so and so but he's only looking at the performance side of things only and tbh I would actually miss his presence if they axed him...

That said Jason is a rude so and so but he's only looking at the performance side of things only and tbh I would actually miss his presence if they axed him...
That said Jason is a rude so and so but he's only looking at the performance side of things only
That doesn't annoy me Darlo, its the way he delivers his 'critique' I use the term loosely are they are saturated in complete and utter vitriol.Add Reply
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