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Well I know I'm going against the flow but I think those of you who are so quick with the nasty comments should be ashamed.  I bet you couldn't get out there and do that with two good legs.  This will be my only comment in the thread as I know I'm fighting a losing battle.  I hope Heather stays and winds you all up (only joking).

I know there is a lot of ill feeling out there about her but I just don't agree with it.
Well I know I'm going against the flow but I think those of you who are so quick with the nasty comments should be ashamed. I bet you couldn't get out there and do that with two good legs. This will be my only comment in the thread as I know I'm fighting a losing battle. I hope Heather stays and winds you all up (only joking). I know there is a lot of ill feeling out there about her but I just don't agree with it.
I thought she did well on the ice, Joy. But its just how she was in the VT and after speaking to Phil, She comes across as look at me, i'm so superior and i just don't like that.
I didn't come in here for this cos I was convinced that it would be frowned upon to show dislike for Heather Mills... on account of her leg.

I can't stand her either...  and I tried, I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt throughout all the divorce thing and all the other stuff...  but she's just not a nice person.  (in my opinion).

If its gonna be ok to express this... even though she is skating, even with the odds stacked against her, like a brave little trooper...   I will come in here next week.
Hi Ros...

I tried very hard to see things from the other side when the papers where backing Paul McCartney.   To some extent... he can't be totally without blame... there are always two sides to every story...

So I was prepared to give her the benefit of the doubt.. over, and over again.   She just made it impossible in the end though.. and it was her... not paper reports.. her, talking, and talking, and having a really over inflated opinion of herself.

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