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Originally Posted by Videostar:

Some now think Hazel could win off the back of this, a lot of sympathy for her now.


Womens groups will no doubt support her, the battered woman and all that.

Some might buy the victim act she'll attempt to play, but too much water under the bridge for that now, the woman is a tart and most of the internet still thinks so

Originally Posted by Baz:
I wonder how much of this would actually have come out, and how much would have been swept under the carpet, without the wonder of LF

I'm amazed by all of this Baz!  But fundamentally, they'd have had to get rid of Daley as part of their duty of care for Hazel. BB would have had to confront it whatever LF we saw. 

Originally Posted by Baz:
I wonder how much of this would actually have come out, and how much would have been swept under the carpet, without the wonder of LF

I sometimes feel a little guilty that I watch and enjoy a show that is desperately looking to be successful and feels compelled to provoke the most extreme situations between it’s contestants.


We witnessed ominous signs on the Saturday LF – some FM’s were saying that they found it uncomfortable to watch – but for BB that was just the beginning of what I reckon they hoped would be a week of car crash tv between Daley and Hazel.

Cold Sweat
Originally Posted by Angel:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

Glad they put him out .  like someone said up there ^ the producers have a lot to answer for. Was a totally irresponsible stunt they pulled putting them in there , putting Hazel at risk , and not doing Daley's mental health any good either , all for the sake of viewing figures. Shabby.

Agreed .... especially since only last week his distraught girlfriend had appeared on BBBOTS in tears

ahh yeah, never thought of that!  

Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Glad they put him out .  like someone said up there ^ the producers have a lot to answer for. Was a totally irresponsible stunt they pulled putting them in there , putting Hazel at risk , and not doing Daley's mental health any good either , all for the sake of viewing figures. Shabby.

Firstly, I have not seen the full facts, but if half of what I have read is true, then shame on you Daley, that's despicable conduct. Completely out of order. His current/ex girlfriend is best out of it.

I believe the producers should be brought to book over this. They have been "enablers" in this situation. Clearly not considering any risk assessment. Channel 5 should be fined. They need a message sending to them that they are going to have to think carefully in future instead of focusing on ratings and revenue.
I'd say they were instigators rather than enablers - they created the situation, knowing full well there was likely to be fireworks .. just turned out to be a different flavour of fireworks to the ones they expected . The programme makers are culpable here . They saw Daley's conduct the previous night , which must have set alarm bells ringing with them. They saw the irate countdown and rant about women , which should have given them a bit of a clue that maybe letting Hazel go in the safe house with him wasn't the best idea in the world. They decided not to act to defuse the situation. Completely irresponsible of them.
anyroads!! how did I manage to get into this blue box?

Originally Posted by Amythist:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Thanks Yogi...that puts it pretty clearly....a Saatchi throat clasp along with threatening verbals ....nasty

cant stand Hazel either

Most of the forum discussion today centred around "the slap", but I think that - given recent events - the throat clasp was the deciding factor...

Eugene's Lair

I've watched the video clips from last night and no way was Hazel the victim... she goaded him on and even said he did nothing wrong. Even though we could all see he was bang out of order, his behaviour seemed to turn her on! I couldn't believe it. Now BB were right in throwing him out, his actions were deplorable, but she should go too, her body language was disgusting. She was egging him on from what I could see.


bosses are said to be more than happy with the results of the safe house twist this week.

A show insider told the Daily Star newspaper: “It was a cheeky move putting Daley and Hazel in the safe house together but it worked.

“It was a test to see if their feelings for each other are real or a game, but they couldn’t keep their hands off each other.”

Read more:

Sorry Bethni , on this I disagree with you. Daley was ranting and raving in a dreadful way long before she got into the bedroom .... Yes, she was teasing him , but she hadn't seen what we had seen of him , if she had , trust me she wouldn't have gone near him . Lets just say i switched off cos I found it so disturbing . Trouble is BB have obviously edited it to highlight the slap , without giving people the full story . I can't abide Hazel , but this guy has anger management issues !
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

There's egging on and being attacked.

I know that Velvet... but  she said he did nothing wrong. She was enticing him and begging him for hugs, licking her lips provocatively while he was standing on her bed aggressively. She looked nothing like a victim. When he was called to the diary room he asked what he had done wrong, I'd believe she was a damsel in distress more if she had told him then that he scared her, she didn't, she said he'd done nothing wrong.



there is no edited BB footage been shown yet - what vids are there are exactly as we saw it last night 


tonights show will be BB's edited version 


TBH as much as I wasnt enjoying Hazel's flirting etc she actually hasnt done anything wrong to get thrown out - if Daley hadnt slapped and put his hands round her throat he might still be there too with just a last and final warning in place 




Originally Posted by Baz:
Sorry Bethni , on this I disagree with you. Daley was ranting and raving in a dreadful way long before she got into the bedroom .... Yes, she was teasing him , but she hadn't seen what we had seen of him , if she had , trust me she wouldn't have gone near him . Lets just say i switched off cos I found it so disturbing . Trouble is BB have obviously edited it to highlight the slap , without giving people the full story . I can't abide Hazel , but this guy has anger management issues !

I agree Baz, she may not have gone near him if she'd known what a vile, angry guy he was. I watched last nights live bit today after I'd heard about this. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, he had to go, his ranting was way out of line. All I'm saying is, she was pushing his buttons, she didn't seem afraid and was indeed, provoking him. That doesn't excuse him, he is vile and had to go, thank god he has! She was no victim though... there's battered women up and down the country who ARE victims and do nothing at all to warrant it. To make her into a martyr for their cause would be wrong. If she gets support through sympathy for this I think it would be wrong.

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Gotta be on it Beth.


Gotta control your emotions in the face of Mata O'Hari   


He weren't a cool dude 

 No he wasn't. I have to admit I haven't watched the past couple of nights because of them two. I'll watch tonight and if the h/l's show a different version to what I've seen today I'll apologise for doing Hazel an injustice and blush gracefully  

Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:

They also need to psychologically screen people much more carefully before letting them enter the house (I believe on another thread Eugene suggested they don't - I'm sure you will elaborate/correct me if you read this Eugene).

I believe you're referring to comments I made at the start of the series regarding Nikki (BB7) and Faye (BB12).


Basically, there have been suggestions for some time that the HM screening on BB isn't as strong as it could be, I remember a lot of stories around the time of BB7: for example, prior to the series start, C4 vetoed a couple of potential HMs who had criminal records (one for violence). Endemol leaked info on this to the press to try and create a "meddling" scandal and get the decision overturned, but thankfully C4 stood firm.


As for during BB7: Some of you may recall that over the years I've written a lot about how Dawn got stitched-up by BB. Dawn had previously worked with people with mental health issues, and she was shocked on entering the house because she felt that a lot of the HMs should never have been selected: Shahbaz, Lea, Nikki and even to some extent Pete. Partly because of this, Dawn embarked on a running battle in the DR which led to BB looking for any excuse to kick her out. However she was later proven to be at least partly right when Nikki admitted in her book that she'd lied her way through the psych tests to get on the show.


After BB12, the issue of aftercare also came up. Aaron got a lot of publicity (and criticism) for claiming that 4 HMs that year attempted suicide afterwards, however what wasn't so well publicised was that Faye backed him up. Both of them talked about this on Couch Potato, and this led to a discussion about how some of these HMs got on the show in the first place. Faye expounded on her theory that BB no longer really uses the psych tests to weed out unsuitable HMs: instead they use them to identify the HMs' weaknesses so they know "what buttons to press" during the show...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:
Originally Posted by Videostar:

Some now think Hazel could win off the back of this, a lot of sympathy for her now.


Womens groups will no doubt support her, the battered woman and all that.

... and others think she deserved what she got:


Hazel brought it on herself, she deserved what she got


Posted on Digital Spy.


That is wrong too,  she didn't deserve it.


But she doesn't deserve to win off the back of that either.

Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Videostar:

Some now think Hazel could win off the back of this, a lot of sympathy for her now.


Womens groups will no doubt support her, the battered woman and all that.

Some might buy the victim act she'll attempt to play, but too much water under the bridge for that now, the woman is a tart and most of the internet still thinks so

I think she doesn't deserve to be booed when she gets out after having to deal with that, but im with you with what you say.

Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:


After BB12, the issue of aftercare also came up. Aaron got a lot of publicity (and criticism) for claiming that 4 HMs that year attempted suicide afterwards, however what wasn't so well publicised was that Faye backed him up. Both of them talked about this on Couch Potato, and this led to a discussion about how some of these HMs got on the show in the first place. Faye expounded on her theory that BB no longer really uses the psych tests to weed out unsuitable HMs: instead they use them to identify the HMs' weaknesses so they know "what buttons to press" during the show...

that makes a lot of sense 


Re. BB producers being 'enablers' etc ...

I understand where people are coming from but . . .


They are both adults with personal responsibility and agreed to be manipulated (not the best word) for entertainment purposes. I'm not excusing BB's antics but they knew where this was going and are responsible for their own actions.


Originally Posted by Baz:
It will all depend on the edit Bethni ....she was certainly laughing and joking provocatively with him once she went back into the bedroom , but of course she hadn't seen or heard his diatribe at that point , cos I am sure if she had even she wouldn't have gone back in there !

I'm eager to see her reactions to him after he came out the DR. And, maybe, just prior to him going in.  After I see that I MAY have more sympathy for her.

Originally Posted by Baz:
I agree she doesn't engender much sympathy Bethni , and like you I will be up in arms if she uses this to avoid noms etc. But just cos she is a stupid flirt, with apparently loose morals , doesn't excuse his behaviour in any way shape or form IMO .

I agree Baz.....he was vile and that kind of going on can never be condoned...however, I also think her behaviour crossed a line that should never have been crossed,it went way beyond flirting, all she needed was a red light and she'd have been in business

Originally Posted by Baz:
I don't know what her reaction was after Bethni , I had already seen enough ...

I was reading your posts, Baz. I knew something was going on. When I saw it today I realised why you had left. I would have too. He was an angry, aggressive, violent man, all that ranting about wench's and 'women' was way way out of line. He should have been called to the DR then for his mental breakdown was clearly imminent.

Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:
Originally Posted by Videostar:

Some now think Hazel could win off the back of this, a lot of sympathy for her now.


Womens groups will no doubt support her, the battered woman and all that.

... and others think she deserved what she got:


Hazel brought it on herself, she deserved what she got


Posted on Digital Spy.


That is wrong too,  she didn't deserve it.


But she doesn't deserve to win off the back of that either.

Couldn't agree more Vids

Originally Posted by Baz:
It will all depend on the edit Bethni ....she was certainly laughing and joking provocatively with him once she went back into the bedroom , but of course she hadn't seen or heard his diatribe at that point , cos I am sure if she had even she wouldn't have gone back in there !

who was his diatribe to? 

Originally Posted by Aimee:

I wonder where they slept last night  they seemed to keep him in the house a long time before they decided to remove him 

That's my point, Aimee. If they let him back into the SH then they obviously didn't think he was a threat to Hazel and she couldn't have objected to him being there

His vitriolic tirade was against women in general from what I could make out.... calling Charlie and Hazel typical wenches who liked to mess with men's heads. It went on and on for a while prior to Hazel entering the room and pulling the covers off him, refusing to give them  back asking to get a hug. My friend had it taped, I asked to see it after I heard about todays goings on.

Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:
Originally Posted by Videostar:

Some now think Hazel could win off the back of this, a lot of sympathy for her now.


Womens groups will no doubt support her, the battered woman and all that.

... and others think she deserved what she got:


Hazel brought it on herself, she deserved what she got


Posted on Digital Spy.


That is wrong too,  she didn't deserve it.


But she doesn't deserve to win off the back of that either.

It troubles me that a RTV contestant gets pinned down and threatened yet the finishing order of the show – and how the said HM may be perceived henceforth, to some, remains more important.


I can understand why many people have turned off in recent years â€“ but ironically the viewing figures will no doubt now improve; if albeit temporarily.

Cold Sweat

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